
Emotional : End of A380 , Emirates switches to other aircrafts

The image shows an Emirates airplane in flight against a clear blue sky with some wispy clouds. The aircraft is white with the Emirates logo and branding in gold on the side. The tail fin features the Emirates colors of red, green, and black. The airplane appears to be a modern, wide-body jet.

End of an Era

After much speculation and buzz among aviation enthusiasts and rumours within the Airbus community, Airbus has confirmed that it will deliver its last A380s to Emirates by 2021.

Emirates and Airbus have reached an agreement in which Emirates will reduce the demand for A380s from 162 to 123; Emirates would instead order more of the A330-900 Neo & A350-900 models. The deal for the 70 new aircrafts is estimated to be worth 21.4 billion dollars.

Emirates was the last lifesaver for the A380 programme during a time when most international airlines were investing in other aircrafts. With the support plugged from Emirates, the announcement for the end of the super-jumbo aircraft programme comes as no surprise.

Within the Airbus company, I think there is a mixture of both sadness and relief. Building one of these aircrafts, from the design to its engineering, is a colossal feat; reaching the decision to stop its production is a mournful moment for aviation enthusiasts everywhere. On the other hand, there is also relief that comes from ending the quest for more airlines to support the programme as well as the huge costs of producing these jumbos.

Two flight attendants in beige uniforms and red hats are standing behind a curved bar counter inside an airplane. The bar is stocked with various bottles of alcohol and glasses. There are several plates of snacks, including olives, breadsticks, and other appetizers, on the counter. One flight attendant is speaking while the other is standing attentively. The interior of the airplane is well-lit and features a modern design.

Ample space like no other

A380 offers space unlike any other. When it was first launched in 2007, airlines were blown by the vast room it provides and what they could do with it. Airlines were able to provide Suites, a higher tier than the conventional First Class offerings. It also allowed Emirates to provide showers and a bar on board, heightening the experience they can offer to its guests.

The image shows the interior of a luxurious airplane bathroom. It features a modern sink with a marble countertop, a round illuminated mirror, and various toiletries neatly arranged. There is a glass-enclosed shower stall next to the sink. The walls and cabinetry are made of light-colored wood, giving the space a warm and elegant feel. The bathroom also includes a small towel on the floor and a black bag placed under the countertop. The overall design is sleek and sophisticated, indicating a high-end travel experience.

I am personally saddened by the end of these superjumbo jets, given the experience I enjoyed travelling onboard such a majestic aircraft. As much as I will continue enjoying different airlines that offer an experience to remember, none holds a candle against the sheer size of the A380 that provide comfort and versatility. It is truly unfortunate that we are to see the end of the A380s in this lifetime. It was truly an aircraft ahead of its time

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