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1 无兑换限制的兑换免费房-标准房,只要酒店有标准房再卖


Alt text: A table showing the Hyatt Gold Passport Points needed per room per night for different hotel categories. The table has two rows for room types: Standard Room and Regency/Grand Club. The columns represent hotel categories from 1 to 6. The points needed for a Standard Room are: 5,000 (Category 1), 8,000 (Category 2), 12,000 (Category 3), 15,000 (Category 4), 18,000 (Category 5), and 22,000 (Category 6). The points needed for a Regency/Grand Club room are: 7,000 (Category 1), 10,000 (Category 2), 15,000 (Category 3), 18,000 (Category 4), 22,000 (Category 5), and 27,000 (Category 6).

2 兑换行政楼层的房间


3 兑换套房


Alt text: A table showing the Hyatt Gold Passport Points required per night for suites in each hotel category. The categories range from 1 to 6, with the points required being 8,000, 12,000, 18,000, 23,000, 27,000, and 33,000 respectively. There is a note indicating that a minimum 3-night award stay is required at Hyatt, Park Hyatt, Andaz, Grand Hyatt, Hyatt Regency, and Hyatt Resorts. The award applies to two-bedroom suites at Hyatt Summerfield Suites and is not available at Hyatt Place. A phone number (1-800-228-3360) and a link to the Hyatt Worldwide Reservation Centre are provided for reservations.

4 吃住都管的兑换

除了单纯兑换房间以外,凯悦积分可以兑换包早餐+部分晚餐的Package, 分为5晚和7晚不等。其实这个兑换对于金卡和白金卡会员是非常不错的,但是对于钻石卡就差点了,因为已经含早餐了

The image is a table detailing the Hyatt Gold Passport Points required for Passport Escape awards, which include free nights, daily breakfast for two, and a welcome amenity. The table is divided into six hotel categories, each with different point requirements for 5-night and 7-night stays. 

- For a 5-night Passport Escape, the points required are:
  - Category 1: 60,000 points
  - Category 2: 75,000 points
  - Category 3: 95,000 points
  - Category 4: 110,000 points
  - Category 5: 125,000 points
  - Category 6: 145,000 points
  This includes 3 dinners for two.

- For a 7-night Passport Escape, the points required are:
  - Category 1: 90,000 points
  - Category 2: 110,000 points
  - Category 3: 140,000 points
  - Category 4: 160,000 points
  - Category 5: 180,000 points
  - Category 6: 210,000 points
  This includes 5 dinners for two.

A note at the bottom states that this offer is not available at Hyatt Place or Hyatt Summerfield Suites.

5 兑换房间升级

积分同样可以兑换房间升级,但是有最低房价的要求,如果是度假村的酒店,你必须预定比行政楼层低一级的房间例如海景房之类的才可以, 并且,无论是度假还是非度假村酒店,你的房价需要是Hyatt Daily Rate(这个价格不是什么促销价格或者提前预付价格)

Alt text: A Hyatt Gold Passport points redemption chart for room upgrades. The chart lists two types of upgrades: Regency/Grand Club Upgrade for up to 4 nights requiring 3,000 points, and Suite Upgrade for up to 4 nights requiring 6,000 points. There is a "Book Awards (In English)" button below the chart. Additional notes clarify that a minimum of the Hyatt Daily Rate must be paid for upgrades at resort properties, upgrades are not available at Hyatt Place, and the suite upgrade applies to two-bedroom suites at Hyatt House properties.

6 兑换入住时的餐费和水疗费

The image is a table titled "Dining & Spa Award Redemption." It shows the conversion rates between Hyatt Gold Passport Points and U.S. Dollars. The table has two columns: one for Hyatt Gold Passport Points and one for U.S. Dollars. The conversion rates are as follows:

- 2,000 points = $10
- 5,000 points = $25
- 10,000 points = $50
- 12,000 points = $75
- 15,000 points = $100
- 20,000 points = $150
- 32,000 points = $250
- 60,000 points = $500
- 120,000 points = $1,000

7 积分兑换里程

凯悦的积分可以转到航空公司的里程,转换的比率为2.5:1, 但当你一次性转50000分的时候,凯悦会送你5000里程=25000里程。凯悦里程合作伙伴也有很多,但是比较诡异的是,加拿大航空并不在名单上

Alt text: "A webpage interface for converting Hyatt Gold Passport points to miles. The page explains that you receive 1 mile for every 2.5 Hyatt Gold Passport points converted, with a minimum of 5,000 points. Converting 50,000 points earns 20,000 miles plus 5,000 bonus miles, totaling 25,000 miles. There are dropdown menus for selecting a travel partner and the number of points to convert, and a field for entering program membership. The amount to be credited is displayed, with base amount, bonus amount, and total amount all initially set to 0 miles. There is a 'Reset' link and a 'Submit' button."

8 捐助


9 兑换租车


Alt text: "Car Rental Awards information. Car Rental Awards can be redeemed at participating Avis and Sixt Rent-A-Car locations. Award Type: Free Intermediate-size Car for One Day, Points per Day: 6,000. To reserve a Car Rental Award, call 1-800-228-3360."

10 积分合并

在一个人需要兑换积分,但分数不够的时候,可以将另外一个人的积分转入用来兑换。需要联系凯悦客服并且签署同意书, 且只能转入足够兑换的分数

其实在几个大的酒店集团里,凯悦的常客计划兑换是最为简单明了的,而且各个级别酒店所要求的积分数量也是非常的合理,但我个人认为,这个计划里面缺少一个重要的兑换项目,就是直接兑换物品(或礼品卡), 因为众多的商旅长期出差再外,度假还是喜欢家里呆着,还是兑换个冰箱比较好。


  1. 刘总,这些酒店我都不了解,感谢您写了这些介绍~另外,我还想知道一些信息,比如,这个集团在哪些度假的地方有优势?曾经有过什么样的促销力度的活动?常规的额外积分活动是哪些?比如我现在就了解到的洲际的PB啊,万豪的几送1啊这些的。如果能在下一篇里面加入这些就再好不过啦~

  2. @饭妈晕了 博客右侧栏这些酒店的分别讨论的地方有很多很多很多的介绍呀

  3. @Troy, 凯悦的积分升套房貌似要BAR价格才可以的吧?提前预付价好像不可以的

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