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积分游世界系列:跳跃在亚太群岛之间-新加坡航空SQ921,马尼拉(MNL)-新加坡(SIN), 公务舱,被神话了的公司

上一篇:大陆航空CO183,关岛(GUM)-马尼拉(MNL), 经济舱,免签7天很简单

如果你问不常坐飞机的人,哪家航空公司是最好的, 我想大多数人给你的答案是新加坡航空。其实我也不否认,新加坡的确是世界上最优秀的公司,拥有最新最年轻的客机,平均年龄最年轻的空姐,“下跪”式服务等等等等。但是我个人认为,该公司被过分的神话了,即使它有很多优秀的地方。

由于菲律宾的劳工,特别是中东国家的外输出劳工的中坚力量,所以在马尼拉机场, 处处都有给外出劳工的特殊通道,包括航空公司有外出劳工签证机读柜台,边检有外出劳工专用通道等。马尼拉机场虽然客流量很大,但是,单独购买机场建设费的过程还是存在,这就等于要排2次队伍。

The image shows a busy airport check-in area with many people standing in line at various counters. The counters are numbered and have signs above them, with some displaying the name "Cathay Pacific." People are seen with luggage, some pulling suitcases, and others carrying bags. The floor is made of light-colored tiles, and the ceiling has numerous recessed lights. There are also stanchions with belts to organize the lines. The atmosphere appears bustling, typical of an airport setting.

The image shows a busy airport terminal with many people sitting and standing around. Some people are seated on chairs, while others are sitting on luggage carts. There are numerous luggage carts filled with suitcases and bags. The terminal has a high ceiling with many lights, and there is an information sign in the center of the image. In the background, there are various counters and signs, including one for "Travel Tax." The overall atmosphere is bustling, with travelers waiting and moving around.

The image shows a check-in counter for Singapore Airlines at an airport. There are two counters labeled "Business Class" with digital signs displaying "Singapore Business Class." Two people are being assisted by airline staff at the counters. The background features a large banner with the Singapore Airlines logo and name.

The image shows a section of an airport terminal. There is a sign for "Singapore Airlines" with "Arabic Visa Reader" written below it. In the background, there are gate numbers 69 and 72 visible. There is also a digital display with the text "SAUDIA DUTY AIRLINES OFFICER." Some people are seen in the background near the counters. The overall setting appears to be a check-in or boarding area.

The image shows a business class boarding pass for a Singapore Airlines flight and an airport user's charge receipt. The boarding pass indicates a flight from Manila (MNL) to Singapore (SIN) on flight number SQ921, dated 06 September. The boarding time is 6:30 PM, and the seat number is 15K at gate 09 in terminal T1. The boarding pass also mentions an invitation to the Silver Kris Lounge. The airport user's charge receipt from the Manila International Airport Authority shows a fee of Php 750.00.


The image shows a close-up view of a single airplane seat. The seat is upholstered in a dark, patterned fabric and has a light purple headrest cover. The seatbelt is visible, with the straps lying on the seat. The armrests are also visible, with one side showing a control panel. The overall color scheme of the seat and surrounding area is in shades of purple and brown.

The image shows a close-up of a control panel, likely for adjusting a seat. The panel has several buttons with icons indicating different seat adjustments, such as reclining the backrest, raising or lowering the leg rest, and adjusting the seat position. The buttons are arranged in a circular pattern and include arrows pointing up and down. There is also a blue light indicator at the bottom of the panel. The control panel is encased in a brown plastic housing.

The image shows a pair of gray disposable slippers and a small blue drawstring bag placed on a blue fabric surface, likely on an airplane seat.

The image shows the back of an airplane seat. There is an in-flight entertainment screen mounted on the back of the seat, surrounded by a wooden frame. Below the screen, there is a pocket containing a safety instruction card and other informational materials. The seat is upholstered in gray material, and part of the airplane window is visible on the right side of the image.

The image shows a meal served on an airplane tray table. The meal consists of slices of ham, lettuce, a cucumber slice, and some cheese on a white rectangular plate. There are two glasses, one filled with water and the other empty, placed behind the plate. Additionally, there are small containers of butter and mustard, a salt and pepper shaker, and a set of cutlery wrapped in a napkin on the right side of the tray. The background appears to be the seat and tray table of an airplane.

The image shows a plated meal consisting of a meat dish with a brown sauce, served alongside green vegetables, possibly bok choy, and some tofu pieces. There is also a portion of rice on the plate. The meal is presented on a white square plate, and the setting includes a fork, knife, and spoon, along with a glass of water and a small dish of butter in the background. The overall presentation suggests a formal dining setting, possibly on an airplane or in a restaurant.


下一篇:汉莎航空LH778,新加坡(SIN)-雅加达(CGK), 公务舱,第5航权的飞机很坑人


  1. 坐了二年的新航,飞机确实不错,娱乐设施是亮点,但是世界最佳航空公司真谈不上,至少中东的那几个都很不错。

  2. 个人也不觉得新航又传说中的那么好。。而且新航是全世界放票最小气。我基本懒得等它放出第二张商务舱,所以除非是我一个人出行,基本直接排除新航。导致到目前为止也只坐过两趟,一趟用US换的到还好,一趟用BMI换的,那个YQ真心疼啊

  3. 马尼拉机场去过10次左右,真猥琐啊!安检一道一道,完全都是形式主义。而且这是我见过唯一一个要排队进候机楼的。。。最长一次在候机楼外面排了一个小时队才进去,全身都汗湿了

  4. @Wei Yu

  5. 和刘总同感,另一个感觉,那些想当大爷的,装大爷的,坐新行极度满足虚荣心吧,上次坐aa上海洛杉矶头等仓,是我觉得最好的服务!新航的新加坡休息室呆过半天,真的很给力,吃的,但没地方躺下来时遗憾!

  6. 刘总,VFTF这个现在真的严格实行one-leg only了?我还想4月往返澳洲都入境新加坡一次呢……

  7. @idoloveyou, 看入境官员,我入境的时候专门看过我的护照上次是什么时候用的

  8. 我也不觉得新航细致。上回去转机曼谷,也不说提醒我一下直接去转机柜台不用入境自己提行李,害得我坐不了那个免费大巴半日游,只能自己游了。还得求泰航给我提前八个钟头托运行李。

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