

写了这么久博客了,相信大家都知道每个常客计划在兑换的时候停留和开口程 规定都是不一样的,有些计划允许一次停留或一次开口程,例如US airways, 而有些计划是按照总飞行路线计算,中间可多次停留,例如AA的 explorer award, 而有些计划则允许一次停留+一次开口例如美联航,达美。而加拿大航空则甚至允许2个停留加一个开口。



1 美联航


The image shows a flight booking form with multiple destinations selected. The form includes the following details:

- Round Trip, One Way, and Multiple Destinations options at the top, with Multiple Destinations selected.
- A note indicating that MileagePlus Premier members may receive better search results by signing in.
- Three destinations listed:
  - Destination 1: From Beijing, People's Republic of China (PEK) to Osaka, Japan (KIX) on 7/18/2013, with the time set to "Anytime."
  - Destination 2: From Osaka, Japan (KIX) to Beijing, People's Republic of China (PEK) on 7/25/2013, with the time set to "Anytime."
  - Destination 3: From Beijing, People's Republic of China (PEK) to Lhasa, China (LXA) on 7/31/2013, with the time set to "Anytime."
- An option to add another flight to the trip.
- A section titled "Who is traveling?" with fields for the number of adults, seniors, and children of various age groups. One adult is selected, and all other fields are set to zero.
- A note about the Unaccompanied Minor Travel Policy and Infant Travel Policy, with additional charges possibly applying.
- An option to include a pet in the reservation, with a link to the Pet Travel Policy.
- A section titled "How would you like your flight results


The image is a screenshot of flight details for three different flights. 

1. The first flight is on Saturday, June 1, 2013, from Beijing, People's Republic of China (PEK - Capital) to Osaka, Japan (KIX). The departure time is 14:20 and the arrival time is 18:20. The travel time is 3 hours. The flight number is NH160, operated by ANA All Nippon Airways, using a Boeing 737 aircraft. The fare class is Economy (X), and a meal is provided, but no special meal is offered.

2. The second flight is on Monday, June 10, 2013, from Osaka, Japan (KIX) to Beijing, People's Republic of China (PEK - Capital). The departure time is 10:00 and the arrival time is 12:15. The travel time is 3 hours and 15 minutes. The flight number is NH159, operated by ANA All Nippon Airways, using a Boeing 737 aircraft. The fare class is Economy (X), and a meal is provided, but no special meal is offered.

3. The third flight is on Wednesday, June 19, 2013, from Beijing, People's Republic of China (PEK - Capital) to Lhasa, China (LXA). The departure time is 07:40 and the arrival time is 12:10. The travel time is 4 hours and 30 minutes

The image shows a summary of an award redemption for a flight or service. It indicates that 1 award requires 20,000 miles and an additional $52.90 in taxes/fees. The total price is displayed as 20,000 miles and $52.90. There are links for "taxes/fees" and "Conversion" in blue text.




2 达美


先在达美网站上搜索行程,保留住行程,打电话给达美的客服加上后面的航段, 当然有些例如像法航,荷航的机票本身就可以在网上兑换,所以你可以直接在网上玩儿出这样的行程。

The image is a screenshot of a flight booking confirmation page. It lists selected flights with details including dates, times, departure and arrival locations, flight numbers, and durations. The flights are as follows:

1. Outbound flight on Tuesday, May 14, 2013:
   - Departure: 1:35 PM from CDG (Paris Charles de Gaulle)
   - Arrival: 10:10 PM at DXB (Dubai)
   - Flight: Air France 3830, Nonstop, Duration: 6 hours 35 minutes, Business class
   - Options to view seats and baggage information

2. Return flight on Tuesday, May 21, 2013:
   - Departure: 12:40 AM from DXB (Dubai)
   - Arrival: 5:50 AM at CDG (Paris Charles de Gaulle)
   - Flight: Air France 3831, Nonstop, Duration: 7 hours 10 minutes, Business class
   - Options to view seats and baggage information

3. Additional return flight on Tuesday, May 28, 2013:
   - Departure: 7:20 AM from CDG (Paris Charles de Gaulle)
   - Arrival: 8:40 AM at AMS (Amsterdam)
   - Flight: Air France 1240, Nonstop, Duration: 1 hour 20 minutes, Business class
   - Options to view seats and baggage information

The page also includes notes about baggage fees, in



朋友们提到美国航空也可以,是的,但情况比较特殊。美国航空的里程兑换机票一般情况下是不允许免费的Stopover的,除了在跨大州兑换时只允许在北美第一个,或是最后一个入境城市获得免费停留。举例:你兑换的是洛杉矶到达拉斯到多伦多到伦敦, 你可以停留的城市是多伦多。其它区域之间的兑换均不允许停留





  1. 谢谢刘总的提示,给了我们很多启发。关于加航那段,是不是可以反过来用就避免客服不给你出发城市作停留?
    例如:lxa-pek(停留)-lax-pek; 也就是说,先用那半张票。

  2. 另外,想问问刘总关于美联航的问题,在国内,除了飞以外,还有什么办法可以积累UA的里程呢?

  3. @Troy

  4. UA 订了一段。。。最后的单程可以改目的地吗?也是21天免费?

  5. 刘总,加拿大航空网上已经无法兑换一个停留+一个开口了
    如 pek-icn;icn-spn;spn-pvg

  6. 起飞后还能改么?谢谢!

  7. 搞了UA的PEK-SFO-PEK-LJG,PEK-LJG在国庆,直接订票是全价,哈哈,不错。

  8. 劉總好。我是你的新粉絲。想問個問題。最近網上訂酒店機票比較頻繁,有通過ctrip的,有通過第三方酒店網站如hotels,也有直接在AA網上訂機票,突然想到個問題,除了這些網站本身的積分外,我的信用卡網上交易算積分嗎?之前拜讀過您關於信用卡及第三方網站的文章,手邊現有建行白金卡,交行東航聯名金卡(白金要年費),和打算申請的招行商運通(支付寶用)。請問您知道那種卡可以產生網上交易的積分?因為金額蠻大的,所以小貪心了。。。祝好,盼回復!

  9. @猪猪姑姑,有些卡算。招商那个就算。什么网上的都算。广发的也算。

  10. 招行的那個是商運通,不過我看很多網上以visa和mastercard居多麼~確定可以的話我就去辦了。

  11. 关于美国航空,是不是只有北美洲的才有停留呢?其他跨洲的兑换是不是没有,例如AA从上海去埃及,可能的路线是上海-香港-安曼-开罗,或者上海-阿布扎比-开罗,这种情况下可以在安曼或者阿布扎比停留么?

  12. 我也還有個問題。如果去istanbul,買US積分換,可以走經過埃及最後終點是istanbul的路線,而只算歐洲分嗎?(經濟艙6萬)

  13. @猪猪古古,理论上不行,但不能忽悠。你不需要和客服过多解释,一段一段报航段就好

  14. 请问UA从北亚飞日本有办法在南亚转吗?
    ex. PVG-SIN-GMP-HND, NRT-HKG-PVG这样的行程有办法用40K miles换公务舱吗?
    打去问客服 客服说这样要开两张单程票 PVG-SIN-GMP-HND这段就40k NRT-HKG-PVG这段20k
    我是一个一个航段报航次给他的 该怎么跟客服沟通比较好?

  15. 刘总,有两个问题想请教一下

    1.请问一下下面的行程是否能出票: 杭州-台北-上海-杭州 (1个停留)

    PVG-PEK(less than 24 hours)-NRT(less than 24 hours)-HGH

    2. NRT-HGH部分no show,接AA: NRT-LAX,能否用日本过境签证入境约20小时


  16. 理论上同一个区不能停留,但一切尽在忽悠;

  17. 刘总,请教一下,这个能用AC出么?2个stopover+一个open jaw,有最大里程限制么?


  18. 刘总,我试了你这个PEK-KIX-PEK-LAX,好像行不通阿。选了PEK-KIX的航班后,KIX-PEK直飞的不直飞的,不管怎么选,联航网上都会出错。最后,这个形程,怎么会2万里程了呢?看起来更像北京到美国的单程阿?

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