

规定的原文是: Visa required, except for Nationals of China (People’s Rep.) can also transit, one time only, for up to 96 hours without a visa under the Visa Free Transit Facility (VFTF) on either the outbound or return leg of the same journey (but not on both)Nationals of China (People’s Rep.) may use
the VFTF mentioned above if holding a valid single entry visa or multiple entry visa (still valid for at least one month) issued by Australia, Canada, Germany, Japan, New Zealand, Switzerland, United Kingdom or USA.






  1. 不用换着排大队,边检大厅左手边有个柜台,他们特别懂,先盖了戳再去边检直接过。

  2. 可以问一个有关“出示离境机票”的问题么。。。是说出示那种一张纸的行程单就可以了(不需要check-in)?
    六月份准备试一次,many thanks!!

  3. 我五月初准备利用VFTF到新加坡玩几天,然后返回海口。结果在曼谷机场,jetstar的工作人员死活不给check in,说找不到相关政策,中国护照必须事先申请VISA。然后一顿解释,他们在网上一顿查,新加坡相关官方上也不知道为什么找不到相关页面了,结果还是不行。最后把我回国行程改成了24小时以内才给放行。但是到了新加坡以后却又很顺利拿到VFTF了。

  4. 今天(2013.12.20)去IATA里查了下,发现原来有的这段关于96小时的描述不见了,本想打印出来备用的,现在没有权威证据,是不是意味着从上海出发时,航空公司就不给登机了呢?

  5. @irina,你的最终目的地是在哪里呢?如果是美国的话,可以通行。新加坡那边好好说两句话,一般都给的。建议打印酒店行程单到时候给新加坡边检看。

  6. @irina 我看了,还在呀Visa required, except for Nationals of China (People’s Rep.)

    who can also transit, one time only, for up to 96 hours

    without a visa under the Visa Free Transit Facility (VFTF) on
    either the outbound or return leg of the same journey (but not
    on both). Leaving the transit area is allowed.
    – ***Warning*** Holders of a valid single entry visa (or
    multiple entry visa valid for at least one month) issued by

    Australia, Canada, Germany, Japan, New Zealand,
    Switzerland, United Kingdom or USA to nationals of China

    (People’s Rep.) may use the VFTF mentioned above.

  7. @Pablo, 我的行程,上海-吉隆坡-新加坡(联程),新加坡呆4天,新加坡-日惹,日惹3天,日惹-吉隆坡,吉隆坡-上海,全程airasia,持日本多次签证,无新加坡签证,无印尼签证,上海pvg出发亚航会不让我上飞机吗?

  8. @Troy, 还在吗?你哪里查的?我是这里查的http://www.iatatravelcentre.com/ID-Indonesia-passport-visa-health-travel-document-requirements.htm

    Passengers transiting only are exempt from holding a visa when:Nationals of China (People’s Rep.) can also transit, one time only, for up to 96 hours without a visa under the Visa Free Transit Facility (VFTF) on either the outbound or return leg of the same journey (but not on both). Leaving the transit area is allowed.
    Holders of a valid single entry visa (or multiple entry visa valid for at least one month) issued by Australia, Canada, Germany, Japan, New Zealand, Switzerland, United Kingdom or USA to nationals of China (People’s Rep.) may use the VFTF .

  9. 请问这个VFTF现在还适用吗?打算去新西兰,中途在新加坡转机。到处都没找到官方的文件,请问能否贴一下官方的网址?谢谢了

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