


The image is a table showing different reward options for Starpoints. The table has seven columns, each representing a different reward tier:

1. 1,200 Starpoints + $25 (Offered at Asia Pacific, U.S., and Canadian hotels only)
2. 1,600 Starpoints + $30 (Offered at Asia Pacific, U.S., and Canadian hotels only)
3. 2,800 Starpoints + $45
4. 4,000 Starpoints + $60
5. 4,800 Starpoints + $90
6. 8,000 Starpoints + $150
7. New! 15,000 Starpoints + $275

The image is a table showing the Starpoints and additional cash required for different categories of hotel rooms. The table is divided into seven categories, each with three types of rooms: Standard Rooms, Upgraded Rooms, and Suites. 

- **Category 1:**
  - Standard Rooms: 1,500 Starpoints + $30
  - Upgraded Rooms: 2,000-2,250 Starpoints + $50-$60
  - Suites: 3,000 Starpoints + $75

- **Category 2:**
  - Standard Rooms: 2,000 Starpoints + $35
  - Upgraded Rooms: 2,500-2,750 Starpoints + $55-$65
  - Suites: 4,000 Starpoints + $95

- **Category 3:**
  - Standard Rooms: 3,500 Starpoints + $55
  - Upgraded Rooms: 4,000-4,250 Starpoints + $75-$85
  - Suites: 7,000 Starpoints + $125

- **Category 4:**
  - Standard Rooms: 5,000 Starpoints + $75
  - Upgraded Rooms: 5,500-5,750 Starpoints + $95-$105
  - Suites: 10,000 Starpoints + $175

- **Category 5:**
  - Standard Rooms: 6,000 Starpoints + $110


  1. 那个不叫做保证升套吧,那个就是直接用积分订套房啊,和你用钱定套房一个概念啊,因为套房所需的点数和现金远高于乞丐房的点数和现金啊。。。

  2. 感觉CAT1,2,3涨的还比较理性,CAT4和以上的涨的有点过了,尤其是点数要求方面

  3. 刘总,这样说单纯的只用points换房间的chart还是没变吧?还是跟着一起涨了?觉得很多酒店都不开c+p的选项的。其实影响不大。

  4. @Robert,都跟着涨了,约25%。
    其他可以用C+P的酒店有:HHonors,Priority Club, Club Carlson

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