


1 先随便输入2个机场,最好是LAN自己不飞的航线,比如SYD-MEL, 在下面的屏幕中

The image shows a flight booking webpage for a trip from Sydney to Melbourne and back. The itinerary section at the top indicates the departure from Sydney to Melbourne on 12 September 2012 and the return from Melbourne to Sydney on 26 September 2012 for one adult in economy class. Below this, there is a notice about estimated fares per adult and a reminder to confirm the itinerary for the final fare including fees and taxes.

The flight options for the Sydney to Melbourne leg on 12 September are listed under the "LAN flights" tab. The available flights include:

1. QF 401, a Boeing 767, departing at 06:00 and arriving at 07:35 with a duration of 1 hour and 35 minutes.
2. QF 405, a Boeing 737, departing at 06:30 and arriving at 08:05 with a duration of 1 hour and 35 minutes.
3. QF 403, a Boeing 767, departing at 06:45 and arriving at 08:20 with a duration of 1 hour and 35 minutes.
4. QF 409, an Airbus 320, departing at 07:00 and arriving at 08:35 with a duration of 1 hour and 35 minutes.

Each flight option shows the distance of 8,000 kilometers for LANPASS.

2 注意屏幕上方的url地址,复制到word以后,将2个city1的城市,改成你的去程,2个city2的城市改成你的回程,然后在粘贴回去,就可以出现其它查询结果了

3 有一点需要注意的是,很多拥有多机场的城市,Lan的网站不是按照单一机场代码划分了,而是使用的是统一机场代码

比如巴黎, 要用PAR





4 还有一个超级大的亮点就是,如果你注意看url, 它是按照SYD, MEL, MEL,SYD,这种方式排序的往返,而这4个地方都可以更改成任何你想要的4个地方,也就说,只要是2个航段,你可以无所谓什么单程,开口,2个不相关的单程等等。

举例:换成HKg,SHA, HKG, TPE,就可以出这样香港到上海,回来香港到台北的票了。注意,港龙的航班无法查询

The image shows a flight schedule for two different dates and routes. 

1. The first section is for Wednesday, 12 September:
   - Flight CX 368, operated by a Boeing 777, departs from HKG at 08:50 and arrives at PVG at 11:15, with a duration of 2 hours and 25 minutes. The distance is 10,000 kms.

2. The second section is for Wednesday, 19 September, for the route Taipei to Hong Kong:
   - Flight CX 463, operated by a Boeing 777, departs from TPE at 06:25 and arrives at HKG at 08:00, with a duration of 1 hour and 35 minutes. The distance is 9,000 kms.
   - Flight CX 465, operated by a Boeing 777, departs from TPE at 07:10 and arrives at HKG at 08:45, with a duration of 1 hour and 35 minutes. The distance is 9,000 kms.
   - Flight CX 407, operated by a Boeing 747, departs from TPE at 08:05 and arrives at HKG at 09:55, with a duration of 1 hour and 50 minutes. The distance is 9,000 kms.
   - Flight CX 403, operated by a Boeing 747, departs from TPE at 09:20 and arrives at H

Alt text: A screenshot of a flight itinerary and fare details. The itinerary includes a departure from Hong Kong (HKG) to Shanghai (PVG) on Wednesday, 12 September 2012, departing at 08:50 and arriving at 11:15 on flight CX368 in Economy-X class. The return flight is from Taipei (TPE) to Hong Kong (HKG) on Wednesday, 19 September 2012, departing at 08:05 and arriving at 09:55 on flight CX407 in Economy-X class. There is a note indicating that the flight will not be operated by LAN and provides links to Cathay Pacific's baggage specifications, check-in conditions, and transportation conditions. The fare in Australian Dollars is shown, with a total of AUD 25.00 for one adult passenger, including tax. The LANPASS kilometers state of account for 2012 shows a total of 0 accumulated kilometers.


  1. 试了一下, 第一屏显示不出有没有位子,要在“下一步”以后的第二屏才能知道有没有位子

  2. 试了试了上海出发去日本的,总是出现这个:
    One or more LAN flights or from associated Airlines do not have space in the price cathegory. Please, try another dates.

  3. @falling, 这不是啥大bug, 他们网站既然已经开发出来可以兑换所有oneworld, 无非就是懒的去更新机场列表。迟早的事,否则开发出来不能用,不闲的难受吗

  4. @falling, 不至于,一群傻逼贩子们形不成气候。等形成规模,有人出来收拾。

  5. 估计很快被玩死,ba的日本线也没要多久啊,大家都关注着你科普啊,哈哈

  6. Troy:
    你可以讲一句Founderscard, 我知道这个卡给免费的AA Gold , virgin atlantic silver.
    另外virgin atlantic 从纽约去上海来回才42500里。应该是中美之间最划算的里程了。

  7. @people, 是有问题我知道,但是有些航线还是ok的,所以总比没有强吧,呵呵

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