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其实我不能用“穷”这个字去评价这里, 因为这里实在是太偏僻了,交通太不便了,资源太缺乏了,就连我们常见的冰,都是由惟一个专门的“工厂”制造,当机器坏的时候,全岛就没有冰了。也是因为这些原因,岛上的 “半成品”较多,基本上是能用就行。比如说我们住的酒店,楼的外侧就是个半成品,倒是不影响使用。而环岛的路上,经常看到路边被抛弃的破车,因为叫个拖车拖走加修车的费用,估计可以再买一辆破车了。

“冰工厂”,说真的,当人家告诉这名字的时候,我真没想明白什么叫“冰工厂”, 后来人家说坏了,全岛没冰了,我才意识到。

The image shows a large, industrial metal cabinet or enclosure. It has a door with a handle and a latch, and there are various pipes and electrical conduits attached to it. There is a gauge and a small control panel mounted on the front. The enclosure appears to be part of a larger industrial setup, possibly used for processes such as heating, cooling, or storage. The surrounding area looks like an industrial or manufacturing facility.


The image shows an unfinished or abandoned building with exposed concrete blocks and rebar protruding from the structure. There are various pipes and a water heater attached to the building. In the foreground, there are some chairs and a small potted plant on a concrete ledge. The surrounding area has lush green vegetation, including trees and plants. The overall scene appears to be in a state of disrepair or construction.


The image shows a fenced area with several vehicles, including trucks and cars, parked behind a chain-link fence topped with barbed wire. The area is overgrown with grass and vegetation. In the background, there are large trees and a partly cloudy sky with blue patches. Hills or mountains can be seen in the distance.

虽然当地居民出的房子很一般般,政府也不是很有钱,但是人家把钱花在教育上可是不含糊的。 岛上的人村子住的比较分散,但是每个村子附近都有一所学校,学校的建设和居民的住房一比,简直像是2个世界。为的就是给孩子提供一个好的环境,降低该国奇高无比的文盲率。再穷也不能穷教育。

The image shows a small, rustic house with a corrugated metal roof situated in a lush, green environment. The house is surrounded by various trees and plants, including some with purple flowers in the foreground. The area appears to be shaded by the tall trees, and the sky is partly cloudy with patches of blue visible. The house has an open, airy design with some parts of the structure appearing to be made of wood and other materials.


A large black pig is eating from a bowl on a dirt ground. The scene is outdoors, with a grassy area in the background. There is a wooden post in the middle of the image, and a clothesline with black clothing hanging on it to the left. A chicken is also visible in the background, walking on the grass. To the right, there is a concrete slab or step. The area appears to be part of a rural or farm setting.


A two-story building with a red roof and white walls, featuring a balcony on the upper floor. The building is surrounded by trees and greenery, with a dirt path leading up to it. The sky is overcast with dark clouds. There is a sign on the upper floor of the building, but the text is not clearly visible.

The image shows a white, single-story building with a steeply pitched roof and a tall steeple, suggesting it is a church. The building is surrounded by a well-maintained lawn with small plants and shrubs. The sky is clear with a few clouds, indicating a sunny day.


The image shows a single-story building with a white exterior and a steeply pitched roof, topped with a tall steeple. The building is surrounded by well-maintained landscaping, including various shrubs and small palm trees. In front of the building, there is a parking lot with clearly marked handicapped parking spaces. The sky above is bright blue with scattered white clouds, indicating a sunny day.

The image shows an outdoor basketball court with a single basketball hoop. The court is situated near a road and is surrounded by lush green vegetation, including trees and bushes. There is a tall streetlight near the court, and the sky is clear with a few clouds, indicating a sunny day.


The image shows a sign for the College of Micronesia, situated on a grassy lawn with palm trees and other greenery in the background. The sign features a circular emblem with text and an image of a person, and it is mounted on a stone base. In the background, there is a multi-story building with a green roof and multiple windows. The overall setting appears to be a tropical or subtropical campus environment.

The image shows a large, two-story building with a gabled roof, surrounded by a well-maintained lawn and several palm trees. In front of the building, there are multiple flagpoles with blue flags. The building appears to be institutional, possibly a school or government building. There is a paved pathway leading up to the entrance, and a white vehicle is parked to the right side of the image. The sky is clear with some clouds.

The image shows a serene landscape with a few buildings that have green roofs, likely part of a campus or residential area. The buildings are surrounded by well-maintained grassy areas and trees. A paved road curves through the scene, and there are streetlights and a stop sign visible. The sky is filled with large, dramatic clouds, suggesting an overcast or partly cloudy day. The overall atmosphere is calm and peaceful.

A large grassy field with a few scattered trees. In the background, there are two buildings with white walls and green roofs. The sky is clear with some clouds, and the overall scene appears to be calm and serene.

大家可能觉得奇怪,既然岛上的人可以随便去美国,随便住,为什么不去呢? 其实,不是每个人都那么向往美国,哪里都不如在自己的家乡最舒服。



  1. 不是每个人都那么向往美国,哪里都不如在自己的家乡最舒服。

  2. @leeshimin, 那些人和我说,我们还是喜欢小岛上大家都认识对方的生活

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