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上一篇:利雅得(RUH)到安曼(AMM),约旦航空RJ731, 经济舱, 赶上去亚的斯亚贝巴的飞机了


The image shows a close-up of a traveler's items on a surface. There is a passport, a boarding pass, and a bottle of water. The boarding pass indicates a flight from AMM (Amman) to ADD (Addis Ababa) on flight BD 913, with a departure date of June 2nd. The seat number is 1F, and the gate is 012 with a departure time of 21:40. The passport is partially covering the boarding pass, and the water bottle is placed to the right of the boarding pass.


我不懂航空公司的运营,所以一家公司到底怎么赚钱,赔钱,我也不去特别的关心。但是我识数,如果一架飞机上面一共就没几个人,那8成这公司是比较悲剧的。上一篇提到了,BMI在安曼打印登机牌的机器坏了,让我们3个乘客等了很久。等快要登机的时候,我来到门前,发现, 等飞机的就我们3个乘客。。。。。。而等飞机的机组人员有6个.不知道BMI给约旦政府多少钱去开通这个航权,就冲着3个乘客和登机后空空入也的商务舱,我照实的为他们的未来捏把汗。

The image shows the interior of an airplane cabin, specifically the business class section. The seats are arranged in a 2-2 configuration, with wide, blue cushioned seats that have headrests and armrests. Each seat has a pillow and a blanket placed on it. The cabin is well-lit with blue ambient lighting on the ceiling. There are a few passengers and flight attendants visible in the background, near the front of the cabin. The windows along the side of the plane are visible, and the overall atmosphere appears clean and organized.


Alt text: The interior of an airplane cabin is dimly lit with blue lighting. The image shows the ceiling, overhead compartments, and part of the seats. The entrance to the galley area is visible in the background, with a faintly illuminated exit sign above it.

The image shows a tray table on an airplane. On the tray table, there is a black fabric pouch with a light blue interior and a label that reads "bmi." Next to the pouch, there is a yellow box with black ribbon tied around it, featuring the text "Miller Harris" on the ribbon. The background includes parts of airplane seats and other tray tables.

The image shows an in-flight information screen displaying the following details:

- Ground Speed: 441 mph
- Altitude: 12,500 ft
- Outside Air Temperature: 42°F
- Distance to Destination: 1,549 mi
- Time to Destination: 3:36:00

The screen has a blue background with white text.

The image shows an in-flight entertainment screen displaying a map of Europe, the Middle East, and parts of Africa. Several cities are labeled on the map, including London, Hamburg, Kiev, Moscow, Budapest, Bucharest, Ankara, Antalya, and Abidjan. The map appears to be showing the flight path or location of an airplane, indicated by a small airplane icon near the center of the screen.

The image shows a blue airplane seat in a reclined position. The seat has a headrest with a dark-colored cushion, an armrest with a control panel, and a seatbelt. The seat is part of a row of similar seats, and there is a window visible in the background. The overall setting appears to be the interior of an airplane.

The image shows a close-up of a control panel on the armrest of a seat, likely in an airplane or a bus. The panel has four labeled buttons with corresponding icons indicating their functions: "Footrest Extend," "Legrest," "Lumbar," and "Recline." The armrest is covered in blue material.


The image shows an open passport displaying a visa page with various stamps and handwritten details. A metal spoon is placed on top of the passport, partially covering some of the text and stamps. The visa is for the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, with visible dates and official stamps. The background includes a wooden surface and part of a black object, possibly a pen or cable, lying across the passport.

The image shows a row of hotel service booths in an indoor setting, likely an airport or a convention center. The booths have white tent-like structures with yellow signage displaying the names of different hotels: "DE LEOPOL HOTEL INTERNATIONAL," "ETHIOPIA Hotels Enterprise," "Harmony Hotel," and "RENAISSANCE Apartment Hotel." The first and last booths are closed with shutters down, while the middle two booths are open and staffed. In front of the booths, there are several people sitting at tables with yellow chairs, engaged in conversation or working on laptops. The area is well-lit and has a modern design with a tiled floor.

The image shows the interior of an airport terminal. The terminal is spacious with high ceilings and a modern design featuring a lot of white and metallic elements. There are several palm trees placed throughout the area, adding a touch of greenery. In the foreground, there are tables and chairs, some of which are yellow, arranged in a seating area. To the right, there is a security scanning machine with a conveyor belt. In the background, there are various kiosks and shops, including a yellow sign for a food or beverage stand. The terminal is well-lit with numerous lights hanging from the ceiling, and there are a few people visible in the distance.

The image shows a small wooden office booth with glass windows and doors, located inside a large, open indoor space. The booth has a sign on the glass that reads "Sheraton Addis." Inside the booth, there is a black office chair and a desk with some items on it. To the right of the booth, there are two potted plants. In the background, there are people sitting on the floor against the wall, and the area appears to be well-lit with high ceilings and large windows.

下一篇:亚的斯亚贝巴的喜来登, 世界最穷国家的奢华酒店


  1. @Bohan, 不止,但是后半段只有3个人登机,还有一些从伦敦过去的没下飞机

  2. “而我在这个行程中,上半场吉达经迪拜到香港的国泰航空就没有从吉达到迪拜运人的航权,所以只能在迪拜上人,而不能下人。”

  3. 刘总请问“中国是埃塞俄比亚政府认定的20几个对该国有重大旅游促进的国家,所以享受落地签的待遇(中国边检不认)”,那pek-add-iad这种行程能放行吗?有美签。对于这种,是不必须有第三国的签证并且ADD不是最终目的地才行,不然单纯的PEK-ADD估计就杯具了吧。。

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