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积分游世界系列:3个大洲,6个国家,8个地区,30天,一个签证都没办-Wadi Rum的沙漠

上一篇: 佩特拉万豪度假酒店(Marriott Petra Resort)

Wadi Rum沙漠是现在约旦除了佩特拉,死海以外的第三大热门旅游点,对于我这种其实没有见过真正沙漠的人还是有点吸引力,虽然美国的沙漠也叫Desert, 可是没见过什么沙子。提前在网上做了一下简单的研究,发现都说这个叫Zidane帐篷评价不错,就联系了他们,并得到了报价。具体请看他们的网站

从佩特拉到这个Wadi Rum的村子每天早上6点多有一班小巴车,但是这车是坐满人才开,如果人不够多的话,就取消第二天再说。我和网友由于住在万豪,本身到城里的小巴站就需要10个JD,(你叫出租车来接你那是一定贵的), 然后再坐小巴去村子里2个人又是5JD一个人。干脆,直接叫出租车送我们到Wadi Rum得了。 价格也不贵,33JD


The image shows a blue truck with a wooden railing on its bed, transporting several white camels. The camels are standing close together inside the truck. The background includes a stone building.

Alt text: A street scene in a desert town with a few vehicles, including a white pickup truck, parked along the road. On the left side, there is a building with arched windows and a sign that reads "Wadi Rum." In the background, there are rocky desert mountains under a clear blue sky.

Wadi Rum村子

The image shows a room with a set of yellow upholstered chairs and a sofa arranged against a wall. The wall is painted in two colors: the lower half is light blue, and the upper half is white with orange accents around the windows. There are two arched windows with metal grilles. In front of the seating area, there is a wooden coffee table with a few items on it, including a small bouquet of flowers and a white object. The floor has a patterned tile design. The room appears to be well-lit and has a simple, cozy atmosphere.


其实,他公司根本不是自己或者助手在复杂回复email, 都是一群在那里免费住宿的背包客,有一个网上可以申请,最少一个月,提供免费住宿,但是要帮忙进行日常管理。 你说上一个人走了,忘了和下一个人交代一下,自然就把我忘了。不过无所谓了,反正今天没有别人,但是就意味着,我要自己一个团,费用自然就高了,60第纳尔。

一天的行程我就省略了,反正就是万人不变的“劳伦斯泉”->沙丘–>纳巴泰王国时期的石刻–>”劳伦斯住过的房子“(其实没人100%确定他到底是不是住过)-》 爬Um Fruth Bridge–>抵达帐篷,反正是在安静和颠簸中度过的。

A small natural spring surrounded by rocks and green vegetation. The water is clear and there is some green algae or moss growing in and around the water. The area appears to be shaded by an overhanging rock.


The image shows a lush green bush growing among large rocks in a desert canyon. The canyon walls are composed of reddish-brown rock formations, and the sky above is clear and bright.

A vast desert landscape with rocky cliffs on the left side and distant mountains in the background. In the foreground, there is a solitary tree standing on the sandy terrain, with sparse vegetation scattered around. The sky is clear and bright, indicating a sunny day.

A person is walking up a large sand dune in a desert landscape. The sand is a reddish color, and there are some small bushes scattered on the dune. In the background, there are tall, rugged rock formations and a clear blue sky.


The image shows ancient petroglyphs carved into a reddish-brown rock surface. The carvings depict various animals, including camels and other quadrupeds, as well as human figures. The petroglyphs are etched in a lighter color, standing out against the darker rock background. The rock surface appears weathered and uneven, with some cracks and crevices.


The image shows a close-up view of a rock face with ancient petroglyphs or carvings. The rock is reddish-brown in color, and the carvings appear to be symbols or writing etched into the surface. The carvings are darker in color, contrasting with the lighter rock. The rock surface has a rough texture with natural grooves and indentations.


The image shows a landscape of ancient ruins made of large, weathered stone blocks. The stones are scattered and piled, suggesting the remnants of a collapsed structure. The surrounding area is arid and rocky, with a clear sky overhead. In the background, there are rocky hills or mountains. The scene appears to be in a desert or semi-desert environment.

传说中“劳伦斯的房子” 劳伦斯乃英国军人,在20世纪初期奥拓曼帝国和阿拉伯打仗时期,帮助阿拉伯对抗敌人。

Alt text: A series of four images in a desert setting. The first image shows a group of camels standing together with rocky hills in the background. The second image is a close-up of a camel's face looking directly at the camera. The third image shows a man in a blue shirt feeding a camel. The fourth image depicts a person sitting on a large, uniquely shaped rock formation in the desert.


A person is standing on top of a natural rock arch in a desert landscape. The sky is partly cloudy, and the surrounding area consists of sandy terrain and rocky formations. Some small bushes are visible at the base of the rock arch.

爬Um Fruth Bridge

到了帐篷后,昨日一位德国人在这里已经安静的度过一整天了,剩下的时间就是和这个德国先生和德国女士(Zidane 现在”雇“的背包客)扯皮度过的了。给我印象最深的就是,德国先生来自马克思的出生地,说他们那里现在中国的旅游团多的不得了。。。。。。

Alt text: A desert landscape with reddish sand and rocky cliffs in the background. In the foreground, there are several black and white striped tents and a few wooden benches. The sky is clear and blue.

The image shows a desert scene with traditional Bedouin tents and a round stone structure. The ground is covered with reddish sand, and there are rocky mountains in the background under a clear blue sky. The tents are made of dark fabric with some striped patterns, and the area appears to be a campsite or a small settlement.

A small, pinkish building with a flat roof is nestled against a rocky, desert hillside. The surrounding landscape is arid, with reddish sand and sparse vegetation, including a few small bushes. The rocky hillside has a rugged, eroded appearance with various crevices and formations. The sky above is clear and blue.


A panoramic view of a desert landscape with rocky formations and mountains in the background. The sky is clear and blue, and the ground is covered with sand and sparse vegetation. The rocky formations vary in size and shape, creating a rugged and dramatic scene.

A panoramic view of a desert landscape with a camel standing near a small bush in the foreground. The background features rocky mountains and a clear sky. The terrain is mostly flat with sparse vegetation.

A vast desert landscape with reddish sand and scattered vegetation. In the foreground, a person is sitting on the ground next to a camel, while another camel stands nearby. In the background, there are large, rugged rock formations and mountains under a clear blue sky.

A panoramic view of a desert landscape with rocky formations and mountains in the background. The sky is partly cloudy with the sun partially obscured, casting a soft light over the scene. The ground is covered with reddish sand and sparse vegetation.

The image shows the shadows of two camels and their riders cast on the sandy desert ground. The desert landscape is vast and arid, with sparse patches of vegetation and distant rocky hills under a clear sky.


The image shows the interior of a traditional tent, possibly a Bedouin or nomadic tent. The walls and floor are covered with colorful, patterned textiles. There is a bright light source hanging from the ceiling, illuminating the space. On the floor, there are low seating arrangements with cushions and a small table. A green gas cylinder is visible in the foreground, and there are various items such as a water bottle and some papers on the table. The overall ambiance is warm and cozy.

一下回到了旧社会了,帐篷是没有电的,灯是煤气的,洗澡也要收费,且要走出很远。 不过实在是太安静了,有点不习惯了. 晚上睡觉蚊子太多,好我吧汉莎头等舱的那套睡衣拿走了,不然,在帐篷里,都不知道怎么睡了。第二天一早,在简单的用过 “早餐”-饼干后,回到人类居住的地方,Wadi Rum 村子里。今天立马就不一样了,不但有小巴,光小巴下来到zidane地方的人就有7个。。。。。。。我这人品实在是。。。。。。。



  1. 刘总和您请教,ua的免票,pek/bkk, bkk/pht, pht/bkk/icn/pek, 超最大里程吗?

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