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上一篇: 死海,半天足以



The image shows an indoor market with various stalls displaying colorful textiles, clothing, and other goods. The market has a high ceiling with metal beams and a central open space. The stalls are filled with hanging fabrics, bags, and other items for sale. The background features arched doorways and walls with some decorations. The overall atmosphere is vibrant and busy, typical of a traditional market setting.


The image shows an ancient stone structure with multiple arches, likely part of a historical site or fortification. The structure is set against a clear sky and has a sandy ground in the foreground. Several flags are visible on top of the structure, and there is a statue or monument in the center of the arches.

Hadrian’s Arch, 建立于公元前129-130年,为了纪念国王的到访。

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The image shows a building with a sign that reads "Ministry of Tourism Visitors Centre" in both English and Arabic. The building is surrounded by greenery, including bushes and trees. There are two flagpoles on the roof, one of which has a flag. The structure appears to be made of light-colored stone or concrete.


The image shows a hilly landscape densely populated with buildings. The sky is overcast, giving the scene a muted, hazy appearance. There is a streetlight visible on the right side of the image. The buildings are mostly light-colored and appear to be closely packed together.


The image shows the ruins of an ancient Roman colonnade, with a series of tall stone columns arranged in a semi-circular formation. The ground is paved with large, uneven stones, and there is a single column standing in the center of the open area. The background features a few trees and a hazy sky. The overall scene appears to be an archaeological site, likely an ancient city or forum.

Oval Plaza, 建于公元前1世纪

Alt text: A view of an ancient Roman colonnaded street with tall stone columns on both sides. The columns are weathered and some are partially broken. The street is paved with large stone slabs, and there is grass growing between the stones. The sky is overcast, and the background shows a distant landscape with more ruins and hills.

建立于公元前1实际的colonnaded street,紧连着Oval Plaza, 总长800多米

The image shows the ruins of an ancient structure with several tall, weathered columns. The columns are made of stone and have ornate capitals at the top. They are arranged in a row, and some of them are partially broken. In the background, there are remnants of additional stone structures. In the foreground, there are stone steps leading up to the columns, and a person is visible standing near the top of the steps. The sky is overcast, giving the scene a muted, historical atmosphere.


Alt text: A large, ancient stone structure with multiple levels of arches and columns. The facade is weathered and partially damaged, with intricate carvings and architectural details. In front of the structure, there is a large, empty stone basin. The ground around the structure is uneven and has patches of grass and small plants. The sky above is overcast.


The image shows an ancient Roman amphitheater with a semi-circular arrangement of stone seating surrounding a central stage area. The stage is backed by a partially intact stone wall with columns and arches, indicating the remains of a grand architectural structure. The surrounding landscape is arid and rocky, with sparse vegetation. The amphitheater appears to be in a state of ruin, but still retains much of its original structure.


The image shows a panoramic view of ancient ruins in a dry, hilly landscape. The ruins include a large, semi-circular colonnade with numerous columns, and various other stone structures and remnants of buildings scattered across the area. In the background, there are more hills and a distant view of a modern town or city. The sky is overcast, giving the scene a muted, beige tone. Sparse vegetation is visible, with a few trees and patches of grass.



  1. 刘哥,请问我从上海途径东京去美国,只有美国签证没有日本过境签证,上海这边出境没问题吧?

    我想东京去现场申shore pass,给就给,不给就算了。。。

  2. 恩,谢谢刘哥,这次就挑战下shore pass吧,到时候给大家谈谈形势,反正1晚的酒店是全日空白送的,呵呵

  3. 不好意思,突然又想起来一个问题想问刘哥

    shore pass那边过的速度如何?我估计人会比入境的少,但每个人花的时间肯定长,所以猜总体而言差不多是吗?


  4. @Angel, 很快。没有什么特别特别特殊的手续,就是航空公司签个字,然后拿着签字条过关就是了

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