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死海不是海,这大家都知道吧,死海其实是个咸水湖,一个什么都活不了的咸水湖。 小时候就听说了死海,说人根本不用费力就可以漂在上面,还能看报纸呢,这次来到了约旦,自然要“水上漂”一把。


在攻略的那篇文章里,我说过,租车最自由,如果是几个朋友一起去的话,更需要租车了,不过当然记住,需要有人会开手排挡的车,因为自动挡的费用要高的多的多。我们中午在凯宾斯基的Europcar取了车,拿着地图就出发了。安曼市区的路其实不难开的,每条街名字下面都有英文,只要别去老城市中心就行。但是这里开车是需要仔细研究地图上的英文路名和路牌上的路面,因为很多阿扑杜拉,莫哈默的之类都是缩写,Abd’l, moham’d。连加油带找路问路,晃晃悠悠,1个小时也就到了。

A small silver hatchback car is parked on a street. The car has four doors and is viewed from the rear passenger side. The rear lights are red, and the car has white wheel rims. There are a few people visible in the background.

根据“孤独星球”的指点,死海酒店区的酒店不住店的人也可以使用的,但是当然要买门票,万豪最贵,45第纳尔,而我们则选择了我提到过的DeadSea Resort and SPA. 还有更便宜,那个就不是酒店了,就是过了酒店区再往下开个2公里就看到了。叙利亚的局势影响了约旦呀,按道理说5月应该是旅游旺季呀,可惜,死海这种旅游景点的人太少了,酒店到还真不小了,游泳池就好几个,不过当然先下“海”飘一把先。 下去之前,看到警示牌子提到,脸冲上游泳,当时没搞明白为什么,下了“海”才知道,如此的浮力,想脸冲下也下不去。

The image shows a modern hotel or resort building with multiple floors and balconies. The architecture is light-colored and surrounded by a well-maintained garden area featuring several palm trees and other greenery. The sky appears overcast, and there are pathways and outdoor seating areas visible in the foreground.

The image shows a beach scene with several thatched umbrellas and lounge chairs on the sandy shore. In the background, there are multiple multi-story buildings, likely hotels or resorts, surrounded by greenery and palm trees. The sky is overcast, giving the scene a muted, calm atmosphere.

The image shows an outdoor swimming pool area with two pools. The larger pool has a blue water slide and is surrounded by numerous white lounge chairs. The smaller pool has a yellow mushroom-shaped water feature and a blue dolphin statue. There are a few people sitting under green and white striped umbrellas near the pools. In the background, there are palm trees and a body of water, possibly a sea or lake, under a hazy sky.

The image shows an outdoor swimming pool area at a resort by the sea. There are two pools: a larger rectangular pool and a smaller, irregularly shaped children's pool with a water slide and play structure. The area is surrounded by lounge chairs and palm trees, with the beach and ocean visible in the background. The sky appears overcast.

The image shows a beach scene with several thatched-roof umbrellas in the background near the shoreline. In the foreground, there is a sign with instructions for swimmers at the Dead Sea. The sign reads:

- Do not dive.
- Do not swim far from shore.
- Protect eyes and mouth from water.
- Try to swim on your back.
- Remember there is no lifeguard on duty.

The image shows a beach with several thatched-roof umbrellas and wooden lounge chairs arranged in rows on the sandy shore. The sea is visible in the background under a hazy sky. The beach appears to be relatively empty, with no people in sight.

The image shows a beach scene with several empty wooden lounge chairs on the sandy shore. In the background, there is a calm body of water with a few people swimming and floating. The sky is overcast, giving the scene a muted, serene atmosphere.

为了照相留念,我和网友轮着下去“漂”,体验一下“死尸”的感觉, 并尝试了一下“水中办公”不过其实飘不了多久的,因为那水太咸了,如果说海水进一滴到眼睛里还能凑活一下,这个水进一滴到眼睛里,马上就要上去冲洗。身上如果有点伤口,哪怕是太阳晒过的,下去没几分钟就已经是疼痛难忍了。

A close-up image of a wooden plank with visible grain patterns and a few dark brown knots and stains. The background is blurred and appears to be a similar wooden texture.

A person is floating on their back in a large body of water, possibly a sea or lake. The water appears calm, and the person is relaxed with their legs and arms spread out. The background shows a hazy horizon with distant land barely visible. The overall scene is serene and peaceful.A person is floating on their back in a body of water, with arms and legs spread out. The water appears calm and the person is wearing swim trunks. The scene suggests a relaxed and peaceful moment.

岸上就是“免费的妈的”, 漂完后上岸擦点“妈的“也感觉一下传说中的死海泥巴疗养。我顿时想到,如果我带一个麻袋,背一袋子泥巴回国,没准还能搞点利润,反正那些卖的泥估计也就是”海底下“直接捞上来打包的。

A concrete pedestal with a pile of mud on top and a sign attached to it that reads "FREE MUD" in red letters. The background is a dry, rocky area.

A person is standing outdoors with their face and upper body covered in mud. They are wearing a necklace and have short, dark hair. The background shows a dry, sandy landscape with some buildings and trees in the distance.


都来了SPA了,自然要去做做了,可是这也关门的太早了,4点就关门了。 都来死海了,也没有体验成传说中的死海SPA. 说真的,以“海水”的咸度和酒店周围空旷的程度,如果在那里住一晚,会无聊死的,所以说,死海,半天足以。



  1. 我上周三正好在同一个地点(Dead Sea SPA and Resort).我是从Amman城里坐shuttle过去的,往返16JOD.在死海浮了半天就觉得没意思出来了。出来之后在酒店找了个车去了Baptism of Jesus,就在约旦河边上。12JD可以直接走到约旦和以色列的边境,并且可以触摸约旦河的河水。推荐经典,去看了感觉很震撼。离dead sea hotel area大约20分钟车程,在king hussein bridge 南边一点。

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