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上一篇: 哈萨克斯坦,还是“社会主义”+土耳其航空TK 351, 阿拉木图到伊斯坦布尔,商务舱


不过抱着侥幸的心理,先去卖签证那里看看,看看能不能买个签证,结果人家拿了个长单子对来对去,说:”只能从使领馆获得。” 无所谓了,本来这次也没有特别的想去“火鸡国”, 所以也就没有提前办签证,去看看转机柜台能不能给我安排点什么吧.”

转机柜台一看我有10个小时以上的转机,就问我要饭票还是要住宿,我当然要住宿了, 然后按照他们的指引,来到了所谓的”Guest house”。 登好记后进去一看,妈呀,以为好歹有张床,结果就是个半沙发,主要是给早上到的或者昨天到的非洲兄弟们歇歇脚用的。 这帮非洲兄弟们素质太低了,听音乐也不用耳机。 我还是赶紧拜拜吧。 说真的,这体现了伊斯坦布尔机场和土航的地面服务跟不上,按道理说,工作人员应该过来制止一下,而不是继续在那里谈笑风生。
The image shows a waiting area with several teal-colored reclining chairs and wooden side tables. The floor is made of light-colored wood. There are a few people sitting or lying on the chairs in the background. The area appears to be quiet and designed for comfort, possibly in a medical or office setting.
算了,去休息室吧,以前来过土航的休息室,等我再走到的时候,已经搬家了,在装修, 并有箭头指了指楼下的休息室(露天大厅)。下了楼,我就看不明白了,外面一个露天大厅,号称是商务舱临时休息室,里面还有个休息室,装修的很时尚,外面的工作人员说我可以用里面的,里面的人又把我拦住说不行。到底能不能,最后外面的人和工作人员说了一下我才进去的。
The image shows an indoor area of an airport lounge. The lounge has a modern design with large windows allowing natural light to fill the space. There are several seating areas with people sitting and walking around. Some people are gathered near a counter, possibly for check-in or service. The lounge is furnished with comfortable chairs and tables, and there are plants and other decor elements adding to the ambiance. In the background, there is a sign that reads "Business Lounge." The overall atmosphere appears to be calm and organized.

这休息室装修的很时尚,有“按摩室”, 吧台,“看电视的房间”,不过没有热餐,只有热汤。可是如此时尚的休息室,无线网网速太慢了,中间还有过一次跳闸,跳完后,所有的插头都没有电了,和工作人员反应了2次,但是直到我离开去登机,还是没有人来修,那是已经距我提意见的时间过了2个小时了。
The image shows a modern, futuristic interior space with a unique design. The room features curvy, abstract furniture, including dark purple sofas and white chairs. The ceiling and walls have reflective surfaces, creating a mirrored effect. The lighting is ambient, with blue and white lights illuminating the space, giving it a sleek and contemporary feel. The overall atmosphere is stylish and avant-garde.

The image shows a modern, futuristic lounge area with a unique design. The room features curved walls with a patterned design, illuminated by soft, ambient lighting. There are several seating areas with contemporary chairs and small tables. In the background, there are computer stations with monitors, suggesting a tech-friendly environment. The overall atmosphere is sleek and stylish, with a focus on comfort and modern aesthetics.

The image shows a dimly lit room with a modern, purple-themed interior. There are two people sitting at a long, blue counter, each working on a laptop. The counter has several other electronic devices, including a desktop computer and a printer. The floor has a colorful, geometric-patterned carpet. The overall ambiance of the room suggests it is a business center or a workspace.

The image shows a room with two black recliner chairs facing a wall with two oval mirrors. The wall is painted a bright yellow-green color. Below each mirror, there is a small white shelf with various items on it, including headphones. There is a glass table between the two chairs, and a remote control is placed on the right chair's armrest. The floor has a colorful, abstract-patterned carpet.


The image shows a small, enclosed room with blue walls. There is a flat-screen television mounted on the right wall. The left side of the image features a translucent, purple-tinted barrier or curtain. The room appears to be dimly lit.


The image shows a round bar table with a pink top, surrounded by five black bar stools. On the table, there is a large assortment of various liquor bottles, including some with recognizable labels. The background is a solid blue wall, and the floor has a colorful, abstract pattern.


The image shows a modern, well-lit buffet area with a curved counter. The counter is equipped with various kitchen appliances, including a coffee machine, a hot water dispenser, and a toaster. There are stacks of plates, cups, and glasses neatly arranged on the counter. Behind the counter, there are shelves with additional kitchen equipment and food items. The floor has a colorful, wavy-patterned carpet, and the overall ambiance appears to be clean and organized.


The image shows a busy airport terminal with many people seated at tables, likely in a dining or waiting area. The terminal has a high ceiling with large windows allowing natural light to fill the space. There are various groups of people engaged in different activities such as eating, using laptops, and conversing. The overall atmosphere appears to be bustling and lively.

The image shows a busy airport terminal with numerous people sitting and standing around. Some individuals are seated on benches, while others are sitting on the floor with their luggage. There are several shops and stores visible in the background, and a large digital display screen is centrally located. The terminal has a high ceiling with modern architectural elements. Recycling bins are also visible in the foreground.


下一篇:土耳其航空TK812, 伊斯坦布尔到安曼,抵达约旦


  1. 刘总,请问查bmi regional里程票availability怎么查吗。。商务舱好像不是i class, 因为expertflyer上查不出来。。比如MAN-LYS.

  2. 劉總 其實我是想請教您 在土國大使館網站所述 在伊斯坦堡機場可以申請過境 出去走走 至今是否有華人實踐

  3. @Uni, 刘总多次实践,多次被窗口提出来,哈哈,其实我也有看到那个

  4. 多次被窗口提出來的意思是沒成功嗎?! 他們會告訴你不成功的原因嗎?! 實在是不想為了幾個小時去申請簽證,BTW 在機場申請過境 也一樣要付簽證費嗎

  5. @Uni, 你拿护照去签证窗口,人家看是哪国,然后对照他们的单子,看你需要提前签证的,就提出来的,我试了好几个窗口的

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