

The plane was hijacked one hour after take-off. This is how it went down.


After entering the plane, I went to my seat: economy class, window-side and next to the right wing. As it was around midnight, I quickly fell asleep during take-off. I was waken up an hour later due to the sound of all the oxygen mask going down. I immediatly thought « what the… » I looked at my neighbor, she seemed as confused at me: the plane was not behaving oddly so I thought it was a simple technical glitch or somebody pressed the wrong button. Everybody looked at each other, thinking what’s going on. Suddenly, a deep and angry voice talked through the cabin radio: “SIT DOWN, PUT YOUR MASKS ON, I’M CUTTING THE OXYGEN”, three times.

登机后,我很理所当然地坐到了我的座位上: 经济舱,窗口座位,在飞机的右翼旁. 这是当地时间差不多凌晨12点,我很自然的就睡着了. 一小时后我被掉下来的氧气罩震醒. 我立马惊呆了,然后看看我隔壁的小伙伴,她也惊呆了. 飞机没有什么异常,所以我以为是技术问题,或者是机长摁错键了. 大家都在寻觅到底发生了啥事儿.  突然间,从机舱广播有发出很沉重的声音说:“所有人坐下来,将氧气面罩带上,我要将氧气切断”, 连续说了三次.

At this point, I realized that the situation is serious: someone is in the pilot cabin and has hijacked the plane. Within a few seconds, the oxygen went down in the cabin: I felt very lightheaded and quickly decided to put on the oxygen mask like the rest of the passengers. Quickly after that, the plane suddenly started dropping down for about 8 seconds then went fast back up, then finally stablized. People were crying, yelling, praying. I was in complete panic. Cold. We were then waiting for an update, an information, what was going on. But it never came. We flew for 6 more hours, knowing only that a pirate was at command. Who was he, what was his intentions ? I started thinking, too far. For he was probably alone, he couldn’t possibly be planning to land at an airport, he would immediatly get caught. So I quickly took away the possibilty of landing safely. As I was looking throught the window, all I could see was dark. Dark up, dark down.

这个时候我才知晓,事情很严重, 因为应该是有人在驾驶员座舱里,并且挟持了他们. 短短几秒后,机舱内的氧气尽失:我觉得非常的晕乎,其他乘客和我都立刻将氧气面罩戴. 在这之后,飞机急速滑落了大概8秒时间,然后向上回转,最后稳定. 机舱内所有人都在哭,在呐喊,在祈祷. 我已经凌乱了,而且很冷很冷. 我们坐等新的消息,并且颇不期待想知道到底发生了什么事情. 但是在未来的6个小时内,我们依然茫然,只晓得劫机的人正在控制着飞机. 我心里在想,他是谁,他到底想干嘛?我想太多太多了. 我想,他如果是一个人,肯定不会将飞机降落在机场,因为那样的话他肯定被抓起来. 所以我连想都不敢想我们会平安降落. 我从座位望着一片灰暗及绝望的天空.

For the next 6 hours, I was imagining every possible outcome of this story : from suddenly crashing into the ocean, to hitting a building, to crashing into another plane, to landing and being killed as a martyr. At this point, I remember trying to send a SMS to my family and girlfriend « There is a problem with the plane. I love you, you are the best » on a 5% battery and stressing that another terrorist would see me and shoot me. There was no network, so I decided to shut down my phone and thought of restarting it just before we crashed, so the messages would eventually come through. I held hands the whole way with my seat neighboor, a very nice, simple older italian woman. Every single second of those 6 hours of uncertainty and soon-to-be death was a psychological tortureI broke down, let everything go, said goodbye, though of my family, of moments in the past, of who will inherit my stuff and much more.

在这6小时的飞行中,我幻想了各种故事的结尾:突然冲进大海,撞到高楼,撞到其他飞机,坠机,以及像壮烈一样死去. 在这一刻,我特别想发讯息给我的家人和女朋友:“我乘坐的飞机出事了,我爱你,你是最好的”,可我的手机只有5%的电,并且如果有一个恐怖分子看到我发讯息的话,也许会射杀我,再加上没有网络及信号的情况下,我放弃了这个想法. 我将手机关机,或等待坠机前发送此信息. 我与我隔壁的小伙伴一直牵着手,她是一个位年长善良的意大利女人. 在这6小时中的每一秒,都有着不久之后将要死亡的心理折磨. 脑子里出现的有:过去的回忆,我的家人,和他们的告别,以及谁会继承我的财产等等.

The flight was supposed to land at Rome at 4:40am. At 5:30am we were still high, high in the sky. Down throught the window , I could see a coast and some light far away that somehow reassured me. Around 5:45, the plane started suddenly to do circle. Circles left, circle right. It seemed that this went on at least 20 times. I was thinking that maybe the pirate wants to deplete the fuel and stall the plane. We were still at the same altitude, we were not going towards land. After this terribly long sequence of turns, the plane started going down towards land at a normal speed. When we reached the clouds, the wings deployed completely like a normal landing, but it seemed to me like it wanted to cover more area to do more damage. I was thinking : that’s it, we’re crashing into something. Looking down to the window I see a light, two, three, I can’t see what’s ahead. It’s still dark. We’re going fast, we’re flying over many houses now. And suddenly, under us, the airport. Just thinking again about this moment makes me shiver. We are landing. WE, are LANDING. Is this true ? Is this a miracle ? We touched the ground, and the plane eventually stopped completely in a bit away from the plane entrance to the terminal. I remember crying, while most of the people (Italians) were applauding. At this point, for the first time in 6 hours, we got an update from the steward telling us about the copilot, that we are in Geneva and that soon the Swiss police will enter and evacuate the plane. Eventually, the Swiss tactical forces entered the plane, telling is to put our hands on the head and stay calm. It took about 2-3 minutes person person to evacuate. An hour later, I was finally out. We were checked and accompagnied very kindly by the swiss. There were sandwitches, hot chocolate, free wifi and psychologues. A few hours later, I could get my luggage and went out through normal gates. My mother was there, we went for a walk along the Leman lake and she cooked some good meal. The psychological impact is not negligible, I’m still in a state of shock. I’m a lucky bastard, I hope none of you have to experience that. AMA.

飞机本来应该是在早上 4:40 降落在罗马国际机场. 而早上5:30 的时候,我们依然飞行在高空上. 通过窗户我可以看到海岸,以及少许的灯光, 老实说这是种安慰. 早上5:45的时候,飞机突然间开始转圈. 转左后又转右,至少旋转了二十来次. 我在想是不是劫机的人想要将飞机的油用尽. 这时候我们依然在高空上,并没有要降落的迹象. 不过在旋转了几十圈后,飞机好像开始以常速降落. 当我们抵达云端时,飞机的机翼如正常的展开了, 但是在我的印象中我以为是要将飞机受到更大面积的损害(可见我当时的心理压力). 我脑海里面仅仅在等待我们撞到某个障碍物. 从窗口看出去,我可以看到几盏灯,但是由于天色的昏暗我还是看不到前方是什么. 突然间,我们开始加速,我们越过了许多房屋,然后….机场在我们的底下. 再次回想这一刻都让我颤抖. 我们降落了…我们降落了. 这是真的吗!?这是奇迹. 我们降落后飞机在遥远的跑到上. 我记得有哭声,有笑声,有鼓掌. 在整整6小时后,我们得以更新, 空乘告诉我们关于副机长,以及我们降落在了日内瓦. 瑞士警卫在降落后就进入了飞机,让我们将双手放在头等并且保持冷静. 他们随后疏散了所有乘客.  每个人下飞机大概花费了2-3分钟时间. 在整整一小时后,我终于出去了! 下机搜身后,瑞士待我们很好. 在休息室有三文治,热巧克力,免费网络,以及心理医生. 几个小时候,我提取了我的行李,正常的离开了机场. 我的母亲正等着我,我们在莱芒湖漫步后,母亲做了很好的饭给我吃. 这次的心理创伤是不可被忽视的,我还在惊讶中. 我是个幸运的混账,我希望你们都不会有此经历..


  1. 好可怕的经历,平时俺遇到气流就手心出汗,真不知道作者那6个小时是如何度过的~~~~

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