

 The image contains a series of logos for different Hyatt hotel brands. From left to right, the logos are for:

1. Park Hyatt
2. Andaz
3. Grand Hyatt
4. Hyatt
5. Hyatt Regency
6. Hyatt Place
7. Hyatt House
8. Hyatt Residence Club

柏悦酒店Park Hyatt, 凯悦酒店集团旗下极致尊贵的精品型酒店,多为一线城市地标性建筑例如上海的军刀

安达仕: Andaz,  凯悦酒店集团旗下全新品牌酒店,采用现代化风格的精品酒店概念,均取址于全球最富有活力和独特社群风格的重要城市。亚洲第一家位于上海新天地

君悦酒店:Grand Hyatt, 凯悦酒店集团旗下豪华大型酒店,房间数量在350-700间,专为商务和休闲旅行者以及大规模会议活动服务的品牌。

凯悦酒店:Hyatt Regency,凯悦酒店集团的高档旗舰品牌,而且数量最多。

凯悦广场:Hyatt Place, 凯悦酒店集团旗下的中型商务,选择性服务酒店, 第一家很快将进驻上海

凯悦屋Hyatt House, 凯悦旗下的酒店式公寓,第一家也很快就要进驻上海

拉斯维加斯MGM酒店管理集团旗下的酒店: Aria, Bellagio, Vdara, MGM Grand, Signature at MGM Grand, Mandalay Bay, THEHotel at Mandalay Bay, Mirage, Monte Carlo, New York New York, Luxor, Excalibur.


每花一美元可以赚取5 点。房费,吃饭,SPA等消费都算。表面上看,积分累积的有些慢,但是凯悦经常推出季度性促销。例如13年的第一季度推出的每3晚有效入住获得额外3000奖励积分。






 The image is a table written in Chinese, detailing different membership levels and their associated benefits for a hotel or hospitality program. The table is divided into several columns, each representing a different membership tier: 金会籍 (Gold Membership), 金会籍 (普通会籍) (Gold Membership - Regular), 钻石会籍 (Diamond Membership), and Courtesy 卡 (Courtesy Card). Each column lists various benefits such as free registration, free breakfast, VIP check-in, room upgrades, late check-out, and points accumulation. There are also footnotes at the bottom of the table providing additional details about the benefits.




1 无兑换限制的兑换免费房-标准房,只要酒店有标准房再卖


The image is a table with the title "凯悦积分兑换表" (Hyatt Points Redemption Table). The table has columns labeled 1 through 6, which likely represent different hotel categories or levels. The rows are labeled as follows:

1. 酒店兑换等级 (Hotel Redemption Level)
2. 普通客房 (Standard Room)
3. 高级客房 (Deluxe Room)
4. 套房 (Suite)

The table contains numerical values indicating the number of points required for each category and room type. For example, a standard room in category 1 requires 5000 points, while a suite in category 6 requires 33000 points. There is also a note at the bottom of the table, but it is partially cut off and not fully readable.


不要忘了,凯悦集团和MGM集团达成了协议,还可以兑换旗下的: Aria, Bellagio, Vdara, MGM Grand, Signature at MGM Grand, Mandalay Bay, THEHotel at Mandalay Bay, Mirage, Monte Carlo, New York New York, Luxor, Excalibur.

2 兑换房间升级

积分同样可以兑换房间升级,但是有最低房价的要求,如果是度假村的酒店,你必须预定比行政楼层低一级的房间例如海景房之类的才可以, 并且,无论是度假还是非度假村酒店,你的房价需要是Hyatt Daily Rate(这个价格不是什么促销价格或者提前预付价格)

Alt text: A Hyatt Gold Passport points upgrade chart. The chart offers two types of upgrades: Regency/Grand Club Upgrade for up to 4 nights requiring 3,000 points, and Suite Upgrade for up to 4 nights requiring 6,000 points. There is a "Book Awards (In English)" button below the chart. Additional notes clarify that a minimum of the Hyatt Daily Rate deluxe room must be paid at resort properties, Hyatt Place is not available, and the suite upgrade applies to two-bedroom suites at Hyatt House properties.

3 兑换入住时的餐费和水疗费


The image is a table titled "Dining & Spa Award Redemption." It shows the conversion rates between Hyatt Gold Passport Points and U.S. Dollars. The table has two columns: one for the number of Hyatt Gold Passport Points and one for the equivalent value in U.S. Dollars. The conversion rates are as follows:

- 2,000 points = $10
- 5,000 points = $25
- 10,000 points = $50
- 12,000 points = $75
- 15,000 points = $100
- 20,000 points = $150
- 32,000 points = $250
- 60,000 points = $500
- 120,000 points = $1,000

4 积分兑换里程

凯悦的积分可以转到航空公司的里程,转换的比率为2.5:1, 但当你一次性转50000分的时候,凯悦会送你5000里程=25000里程。凯悦里程合作伙伴也有很多,包括了

The image is a list of airline partners written in Chinese characters. The list includes the following airlines:

1. 中国国际航空公司
2. 南方航空公司
3. 东方航空公司
4. 亚洲万里通
5. 西南航空
6. 法国航空
7. 全日空
8. 美国航空
9. 韩亚航空
10. 英国航空
11. 中华航空
12. 达美航空
13. 阿联酋航空
14. 国泰航空
15. 日本航空
16. 澳大利亚航空
17. 卡塔尔航空
18. 文莱皇家航空
19. 新加坡航空
20. 美国西南航空
21. 英国航空
22. 英国维珍航空
23. 阿提哈德航空

Alt text: "A webpage section titled 'Convert Points to Miles' explains the conversion of Hyatt Gold Passport points to miles. It states that 1 mile is earned for every 2.5 Hyatt Gold Passport points converted, with a minimum of 5,000 points required. Converting 50,000 points earns 20,000 miles plus 5,000 bonus miles, totaling 25,000 miles. The conversion can be made in 1,250-point increments. There are dropdown menus for selecting a travel partner and the number of points to convert, and a field for entering a program membership number. The amount to be credited is displayed, with base amount, bonus amount, and total amount all initially set to 0 miles. There is a 'Reset' link and a 'Submit' button."



6 兑换租车


Alt text: "Car Rental Awards information. Car Rental Awards can be redeemed at participating Avis and Sixt Rent-A-Car locations. Award Type: Free Intermediate-size Car for One Day. Points per Day: 6,000. To reserve a Car Rental Award, call 1-800-228-3360."


在一个人需要兑换积分,但分数不够的时候,可以将另外一个人的积分转入用来兑换。需要联系凯悦客服并且签署同意书, 且只能转入足够兑换的分数


在几个大的酒店集团里,凯悦的常客计划兑换是最为简单明了的,而且各个级别酒店所要求的积分数量也是非常的合理,但我个人认为,这个计划里面缺少一个重要的兑换项目,就是直接兑换物品(或礼品卡), 因为众多的商旅长期出差再外,度假还是喜欢家里呆着,还是兑换个冰箱比较好。



  1. 刘总,凯悦最令人困惑的是他的旅行社价格经常在国内各大预订网站上有,且价格便宜一半,很困惑,一直积攒不上。还有个问题,凯悦目前到底哪些预订渠道是有积分的?

  2. 那个英文就叫 Hyatt 中文也翻译成凯悦酒店的是彻底被 Hyatt Regency 取代了么?

  3. 刘总,我十分好奇您的Hyatt的积分是怎样积累的。我最大的困惑是他们的酒店很少,且在北京上海酒店以及在美国的主要城市级别过高。您说的在促销的情况下住5晚才勉强得到5000点,够一晚C1级别。说实话这C1级别的酒店我这一辈子都难以有幸入住(地点)。相比之下,万豪的促销则实际的多-住两晚(一次一晚)就可以得到C1-5级别一晚免费,同时也有积分。而这些级别的万豪酒店到处都是。万豪金卡会员就有早餐,而Hyatt白金会员也没有早餐。

  4. @yanning, 凯悦白金只要5次,万豪金卡要50个晚上。。。。凯悦多去去美国就有了。哈哈

  5. 刘总,凯悦白金也要15晚。万豪金卡虽要50晚,但信用卡算15晚,也允许Rollover,我去年的30晚带到了今年,一下变成了45晚。此外,你也可以用积分兑换金卡。这些福利凯悦好像都没有。

  6. 刘总你的数学还是一如既往的差啊,五晚上100美元不是一共拿2500分么?

  7. 刘总语文和摄影进步很快,接下来重点是数学了~~哈哈哈


  8. 在万豪度假村,plt会员就是p,2点退房都得说半天,太憋屈了

  9. 早点开卡比较重要,过十年弄个钻石,期间消费够数就变终身钻了,刘总加油,不象spg要连续十年白金+500晚。

  10. @Ronnie,
    不是chase hytt卡直接给个白金吗,然后再挑战钻石会员不可以吗?为什要过十年再弄个钻石?


  11. @aaplaapl应该指的是终身钻,嘿嘿!hyatt挑战要注意,一个账户只能挑战一次

  12. 心情愉悦的来评论下,如果抽中速速继续学习,hiahia,可以兑换房间升级,兑换航空公司里程等等啦

  13. 刘总,凯悦的积分兑换房算不算有效stay,保证所有礼遇。那么,c+p定的房算有效stay吗?


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