
其实这么多年来,我都没有机会好好介绍一下卡塔尔航空的常客计划,因为早几年,阿联酋 航空无论是从市场还是常客计划都太过强盛。近年来,阿联酋的常客计划已经可以忽略不计,而卡塔尔航空在中国越做越大,其常客计划也日渐优秀,最重要的是, 他宣布的将加入寰宇一家联盟,我认为卡塔尔航空的常客计划已经具备了被重视起来的条件,外加自身航班覆盖面和软硬件都非常优秀,以后我会多多关注。



The image is a table listing flight routes to or from Asia 2, along with their respective classes and point costs. The table has four columns: the first column lists the flight routes, the second column indicates the class (Business or Economy), the third column shows the original point cost, and the fourth column shows the discounted point cost. The routes and their details are as follows:

1. Doha to Chongqing - Business class, originally 40,000 points, discounted to 20,000 points.
2. Seoul to Doha - Business class, originally 40,000 points, discounted to 24,000 points.
3. Doha to Tokyo - Economy class, originally 22,500 points, discounted to 16,000 points.
4. Beijing to Doha - Economy class, originally 22,500 points, discounted to 16,000 points.


The image is a table listing flight routes to or from Asia 2, along with their class, and the corresponding mileage points required for redemption. The table includes the following information:

1. Doha to Seoul - Business class, 40,000 miles, 24,000 miles.
2. Chongqing to Doha - Business class, 40,000 miles, 20,000 miles.
3. Osaka to Doha - Business class, 40,000 miles, 28,000 miles.
4. Doha to Guangzhou - Economy class, 22,500 miles, 16,000 miles.
5. Doha to Beijing - Economy class, 22,500 miles, 16,000 miles.
6. Chongqing to Doha - Economy class, 22,500 miles, 16,000 miles.

我非常喜欢这个优惠,然后盯着那些非洲城市,我眼睛又发光了。。。。。。 朋友们可能会问,不飞卡塔尔航空,哪里去获得里程。卡塔尔航空是喜达屋酒店积分转里程的合作伙伴,积分转换的比例是1:1 ,如果一次转2万,可以获得25000卡塔尔航空里程。



  1. 我刚刚也是看微博,想研究一下卡塔尔航空,因为SIN-DPS商务真的好白菜啊。发现也就能SPG转点之类的。想多了解一下,没想到刘总动作更快,google第一个出来的就是你的!!!!

  2. 刘总 想问既然希尔顿 一刀有10分基础分 50000分可以兑换顶级了 spg1刀才2分 35000才能兑换顶级 虽然本身房价就高点 那么两者应该性价比差不多 为什么大家都说spg分数的性价比高呢?

  3. Saw your chatting with Daraius from his website. Awesome! You two have the best two milage blogs. Yours in Chinese and his in English.

    Way to go, Liuzong!

  4. 刘总,请教下计划大陆去澳新的话,是累英国航空比较好还是累卡塔尔航空比较好啊

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