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塞班美属是北马里亚纳群岛的首府,另外2个岛是天宁和Rota. 在2战时期,这里被日本占领了,同样占领的地方还有关岛,以及7788的一群岛屿。在日本人眼里,马里亚纳群岛是日军的重要防线。1944年6月中旬,在日军没有完全准备好的情况下, “塞班战役”正式打响,历时了3周左右,最后以日军战败结束。日军此役之后实际上面对他们的就是洗洗睡了,因为当时美国飞的最远的轰炸机可以从塞班飞到日本本土执行任务了, 这也是为什么日本一直把马里亚纳群岛定为“所对国防圈”。 之后没多久,传说中的原子弹就从天宁岛起飞仍在了日本

The image shows a display panel with text in both English and Japanese. The English text is titled "Taking the Islands" and describes the invasion of Saipan, which commenced on June 15, 1944, when the 2nd and 4th Marine Divisions landed on the island's southwestern beaches. It mentions that more than 105,000 troops, supported by a Naval task force comprising approximately 500 ships, participated in the Marianas Campaign. Close to 66,000 men took part in the hard-fought U.S. victories in the battles of Saipan and Tinian, and the Philippine Sea. The Japanese text appears to be a translation of the English text.

The image is a historical black-and-white photograph of Admiral Kato Kanji of the Imperial Navy. He is dressed in a formal military uniform adorned with various medals and decorations. The background includes text in both English and Japanese. The English text reads "Admiral Kato Kanji, Imperial Navy," and the Japanese text is written below it. The upper part of the image contains additional text in both English and Japanese.

战争结束以后,马里亚纳群岛连同周边一些岛屿被美国政府托管,直至1975年,正式成为美国海外领土,居民出生就是美国公民,一个不能选自己总统的美国公民, 该群岛也是当时被美国托管的众岛屿中唯一没有决定独立的,并保持着自己的移民,海关等部门。在2009年底,美国政府收回了对北马里亚纳群岛的移民和边检的管理,当时就有人担心,中国护照去塞班的免签就没有了。不过最后看来,由于旅游业是塞班的重要经济支柱,美国政府保持了塞班对中国和俄罗斯公民的免签。我曾开玩笑的说,想去美国看看,又申请不下来签证的,来塞班吧,入境章和美国都是一样的了。

Alt text: A detailed topographic map of the island of Saipan, part of the Northern Mariana Islands in the Pacific Ocean. The map highlights various regions and landmarks, including Bonzai Cliff, Suicide Cliff, Capitol Hill, Mt. Tapochao, Death Valley, and several beaches such as Invasion Beaches, Obyan Beach, and Lau Lau Bay. Marine conservation areas and sanctuaries are marked, including Forbidden Island Sanctuary and Bird Island Sanctuary. The map also shows towns like Garapan and Chalan Kanoa, as well as an airport located in the southern part of the island. The surrounding ocean areas are labeled with specific zones and features.

A tall stone monument with engraved characters stands on a concrete platform overlooking the ocean. The sky is partly cloudy, and there are green plants in stone planters on either side of the monument. The scene is serene, with the blue sea and sky in the background.

The image shows a memorial site with a stone monument and a wooden post. The stone monument has inscriptions in both English and Japanese. The English inscription reads, "In honor of those who lost their lives during WW-II by Shuichiro Iizuka (Japanese Navy) during 1978 in Saipan." The wooden post also has Japanese writing on it. The memorial is surrounded by greenery, including trees and bushes, and there is a fence in the background. The ground around the monument is covered with rocks and grass.

The image shows a scenic view of a coastal landscape. In the foreground, there is lush green vegetation and trees. Beyond the greenery, there is a stretch of land with some buildings visible. The coastline features a beautiful turquoise sea with a white sandy beach and a narrow strip of land extending into the water. The sky above is mostly clear with some scattered clouds, creating a serene and picturesque scene.

The image shows a detailed map titled "Japanese Counterattack Plan" with both English and Japanese text. The map includes a legend explaining various symbols: expected points of U.S. landings, Japanese counterattack routes, areas considered strategically important, and areas considered tactically important. Key locations such as Marpi Point, Mutchot Point, Garapan, Mt. Tapochau, Kagman Peninsula, Agingan Point, and Magicienne Bay are marked. The map also includes arrows indicating the direction of troop movements and counterattacks. The text on the right side of the map explains the strategy for changing troop dispositions and consolidating important points to carry out counterattacks against enemy landings. The background of the map is blue, and it is displayed outdoors with trees visible in the background.

The image shows a stone staircase leading up to a cave entrance surrounded by lush greenery. To the right of the staircase, there is a wooden sign with the text "LAST COMMAND POST" written in English and Japanese. The area appears to be a historical or tourist site, with dense vegetation and rocky terrain.

The image shows the entrance to an old, weathered concrete bunker or fortification. The structure has visible damage, with a large hole in the wall near the entrance. The concrete is cracked and eroded, and there are some small windows or openings on the side. The surrounding area is lush with greenery, including trees and plants, and there is a small stone wall in front of the bunker. Sunlight filters through the trees, casting shadows on the structure.

The image shows an old, rusted artillery gun situated in a lush, green outdoor setting. The gun is surrounded by trees and vegetation, with a rocky cliff in the background. To the left of the gun, there is a sign that reads "LAST COMMAND POST" in English and Japanese. The area appears to be a historical site or memorial.

再联邦政府通过了法案,将塞班实行了“联邦最低工资”后,原来的制造业“Made in USA”的基本都玩完了。(以前这里的劳工很便宜,而且又是美国领土,所以大家看到的”Made in USA”就是里的), 旅游业说是现在塞班的主要经济来源了,游客们在这里除了接收一下战争教育,晒晒太阳,潜潜水以外,估计就可以和当地人差不多了,去唯一步行街晃悠晃悠,逛逛夜市,或者去打打扑克,因为这个岛太小了,平时也没啥么事情干,就是生生孩子,打打屁。在机场我碰见一个去塞班的海关官员,他告诉我,不到50岁的他,孙女都是10岁了,岛上的好多男女女的14岁就当爹妈了。。。。。这里的工资并不高,想他这种在政府工作了这么多年的,工资也就不到2万美金一年,还赶不上我们国家的一个刚参加工作的高级白领呢。

A scenic view of a coastal cliff with lush green vegetation on top, overlooking a deep blue ocean. The rocky cliffside extends into the water, with waves crashing against the rocks below. The sky above is partly cloudy with patches of blue.

传说中的Banzi 悬崖,日本战败的时候,很多军人从这里跳了下去

A panoramic view of a coastal town with lush greenery in the foreground. The town is situated near the ocean, with buildings and houses visible among the trees. The ocean is a vibrant blue, and an island can be seen in the distance. The sky is clear with a few scattered clouds.

The image shows an outdoor walkway lined with palm trees and stone pillars with black roofs. There are several people walking and standing along the path, including a group of three women and a child on the left side. The walkway has a blue section and a concrete section. In the background, there are buildings with multiple floors, and the sky appears to be overcast. The area has a relaxed, park-like atmosphere with greenery and benches.

A young girl is sitting on a stone planter with a large, lush green bush in the center. The scene is set in a public area with various buildings and shops in the background. One building has a sign that reads "KOBAN," and another has a sign with Japanese characters. There are also colorful murals and signs, including one that mentions enforcing underage drinking laws. Several people are walking around the area, and there is a bicycle parked near one of the buildings. The overall atmosphere appears to be that of a small commercial or recreational area.

A bustling outdoor market scene with numerous people walking and browsing various stalls. The stalls are covered with canopies and are adorned with colorful fabrics, clothing, and other items for sale. The market is lit with hanging lights, and the sky above is overcast. In the background, there are buildings with signs and greenery. The atmosphere appears lively and crowded.

The image shows the exterior of a poker game room establishment at night. The building has a bright yellow and blue sign that reads "DOLLARS POKER 24 HRS OPEN." Below the sign, there is a neon "OPEN" sign in the window. The windows display various signs, including "DOLLARS GAME ROOM," "ATM MACHINE Available Inside," and an illustration of playing cards with the text "24HRS." A car is parked in front of the establishment. The surrounding area appears to be part of a commercial strip with other businesses.


下一篇:塞班凯悦酒店(Hyatt Regency Saipan)


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