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积分游世界系列:3个大洲,6个国家,8个地区,30天,一个签证都没办-阿斯塔纳航空KC131 阿拉木图(ALA)-杜尚别(DYU),经济舱,轻松拿到塔吉克斯坦落地签


其实我一开始并不知道阿斯塔纳航空到底是什么样子,只知道是中亚最大的航空公司之一,且拥有很大的航线网络。这次飞了以后,虽然时间不长,感觉各方面都很到位呢,好像有谣传它要迟早要加入某个航空联盟。 由于伊斯坦布尔到杜尚别的飞机实在难定,这张票是我花钱100多美刀买的。

The image shows two uniformed personnel walking down a mobile staircase that is positioned next to a parked airplane on an airport tarmac. The airplane has a white body with blue accents and the word "Avianca" partially visible on the fuselage. The background includes a large hangar and other airport buildings. The scene appears to be taking place in a secure area of the airport.

The image shows the view from a passenger's seat on an airplane. The passenger's legs, wearing jeans, are visible in the foreground. The seatback in front of them has a mesh pocket containing a safety information card, a disposable bag, and other literature. The pocket is attached to the back of the seat, which is upholstered in dark material. The floor of the airplane cabin is also visible.

飞机是小飞机, 但是很新,虽然飞行时间不长,还分有奇巧一块和面包一个,说心里话不是吹的,这香肠面包真的很好吃。

The image shows the interior of an airplane cabin. The cabin has rows of seats on both sides of a central aisle. Each seat has a headrest cover, and there are overhead compartments above the seats. A flight attendant is standing at the end of the aisle near a curtain, facing away from the camera. The cabin appears to be well-lit and clean.

The image shows a close-up of a packaged sandwich with a label that reads "C'est bon" and "Air Astana." The packaging is decorated with yellow illustrations of food items. In the background, there is a red KitKat chocolate bar partially visible. The items are placed on a surface, possibly an airplane tray table.

短暂飞行后,飞机抵达杜尚别机场,直接前往办签证的领事办公室,递上护照和早就网上打印出来填好的表格外加机票的复印,领事马上去翻邀请函。我直接答道没有。领事很吃惊的看着我, 问我我怎么知道没有邀请函也能拿到签证,答道:“Internet”

The image shows an Air Astana airplane parked on an airport tarmac. The aircraft is white with a blue tail fin featuring a yellow emblem. Several ground crew members are loading luggage and cargo into the plane using a baggage cart and a small vehicle. The sky is overcast, and there are a few people and airport structures visible in the background.

The image shows a large, open concrete area, possibly an airport tarmac or a large parking lot, with a building in the center background. The building has a modern design with a prominent golden dome and large glass windows. There are trees and greenery on the left side of the building, and a row of flagpoles with flags on the right side. The sky is partly cloudy, and there are mountains visible in the distant background.

Alt text: "A front view of an airport terminal building with a control tower on the roof. The building has large windows and a sign with Cyrillic letters. There is a tall light pole on the right side and a few trees in the background."

The image shows the exterior of an airport building with the word "AIRPORT" written in both Cyrillic and English on the roof. In front of the building, there is a tall statue of a person holding up several objects, possibly representing stars or lights. The statue stands on a pedestal that includes a globe and other decorative elements. The area around the statue is landscaped with green bushes, trees, and a small garden. The sky above is partly cloudy.


Alt text: A sign on a metal fence displays information about the construction of a new airport terminal in Dushanbe, Tajikistan. The sign includes text in multiple languages, including Tajik, French, and English, and features an illustration of the planned terminal building. The illustration shows a modern structure with a central dome, surrounded by landscaped areas and flagpoles. The logos of Sofema Group, Dushanbe, and Alpha Airport are visible at the bottom of the sign. The sky is partly cloudy, and a tree is visible in the background.


The image shows an open passport displaying a visa for the Republic of Tajikistan. The visa includes various stamps, signatures, and dates, indicating entry and validity periods. A black pen with gold accents is placed horizontally across the open passport. The background includes a wooden surface and part of another document or folder.

Alt text: The image shows two identical green flyers from MLT, a mobile operator in Tajikistan. Each flyer features a smiling woman in traditional attire on the left side, with decorative patterns in the background. The text on the flyer is in multiple languages, including Tajik, Russian, and English, welcoming users and providing information about the mobile operator. The MLT logo and contact information, including a website (www.mlt.tj) and a phone number (907700500), are also visible.


The image shows a 3 Somoni banknote from Tajikistan. The banknote features a portrait of a man on the right side, with various security features and designs. The text on the banknote includes "БОНКИ МИЛЛИИ ТОЧИКИСТОН" and the denomination "3 СЕ СОМОНӢ." The serial number "GB9646730" is printed on both the left and right sides of the note. The banknote is placed on a beige surface, with part of a black electronic device visible at the top of the image.

一出门就发现,怎么没有提款机,怎么没有换钱点?怎么没有网上说的8路小巴站?马路对面有个卖机票的旅行社,进去一问,告知,坐出租车即可,到凯悦酒店只需要3块钱,边上有很多等着出租,他还帮我叫了以辆。上车后,司机和我比划要10块钱,我伸出了3个指头,就3块。这时,看见司机同志掏出了一个小牌子, 8号, 放到了挡风玻璃上,从现在起,该车从私人出租车变为8号出租车,招手就停。到达凯悦酒店为3元,还真多亏了领事先生那8元钱呀。其实,最后离开杜尚别的时候才发现,换钱点在出发那栋楼里。。。。

说道换钱,我一进到房间就上网查查汇率,免的出去换钱被人宰,后来惊奇的发现,这大街上的换钱点随便一家的汇率都比官方汇率高很多,这难道是黑市?可是我心目中的黑市是咱们国家很久以前,一群外汇贩子在银行门口偷偷摸摸的换,哪有这样明目张胆的黑市?其实,那就是塔吉克的黑市,而最搞笑的是,我发现整个杜尚别汇率给的最好的黑市居然就凯悦酒店的换钱点,1 欧元的官方汇率是6.4X塔吉克货币,而凯悦的换钱点给到了6.93,大街上随便找一个就是6.8x.




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