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1 飞行距离: 星空联盟环球票分为4个档位,全部都是按照飞行距离算的(天河和寰宇是不一样的计算方式)分为: 26000英里(仅限经济舱),29000,34000和39000

2 仓位:这个不用说了,经济舱,公务舱,头等舱

3 出发国这个是决定环球票的关键因素,在所有因素都不变的情况下(飞行距离,仓位,航线,航班),这个因素决定了票价,那么我们现在就讨论中国出发的


4 燃油附加税和机场税。



而在这里为什么选用TAM航空呢?因为TAM航空,US Airways和新西兰/澳大利亚出发的Air New Zealand 是仅有的不收取燃油的公司。

那么这样的路线价格是多少呢? 28000人民币,见下图

Alt text: A screenshot of a flight booking webpage from Star Alliance. The page shows a "Round the World" itinerary with multiple flight segments listed, including Beijing to New York, New York to Miami, Miami to Manaus, Manaus to Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo to Paris, and Paris to Beijing. Each segment includes flight dates and flight numbers. A pop-up window in the center displays the accurate price for all travelers, with a breakdown of the price (23,780.00 CNY), tax (4,278.00 CNY), service charge (0.00 CNY), and the total amount (28,068.00 CNY). The pop-up also advises contacting the credit card issuer to authorize the amount and mentions accepted payment methods. The bottom of the pop-up has "Cancel" and "Proceed" buttons. The browser window shows multiple open tabs and bookmarks. The date and time on the computer are displayed as 9:09 on October 26, 2011.



The image shows a screenshot of a flight booking webpage from Star Alliance, specifically the "Book and Fly" section. The page is titled "Round the World. Please select flights for each segment of your journey." There is a list of flight segments with corresponding dates and flight numbers. A pop-up window in the center of the screen displays the "Accurate price for all travelers," detailing the price, tax, service charge, and total amount in CNY (Chinese Yuan). The total amount is 32,325.00 CNY. The pop-up also advises the user to contact their credit card issuer to authorize the amount and provides a reference number. The user is given the option to either cancel or proceed with the booking. The browser window shows multiple open tabs and the operating system appears to be Windows 7.

除了一地点和最后一段,剩下用的全是US Airways+TAM, 2家不收取燃油的公司, 价格已经是32500多了。这可尽可能的把燃油降低的最小了。



  1. 刚才看了一下bmi的环球奖励票,10万+680镑,按现在20%的促销价格,票价17000左右,6个停留呢。比这个环球票便宜啊!

  2. 这次没有沙发成。请问刘总,坏球机票到底有没有人买啊,还只是各联盟各公司的噱头而已

  3. 想问个老掉牙的问题。刘先生是1k吧。以你亲身经验来说,ua对1k好么?我有明年冲1k的想法,因为之前积ac,今年开始没事还要办签证跑道加拿大去就是为了飞ac,而且ua有时候给没有会员的人eplus都不给*g很气人。所以我想既然在美国上学还是积美国的公司吧。还有刘先生觉得花多少钱飞出来1k算合理呢?如果我注册ua我今年年底之前的里程放在ac还是ua呢?

  4. @Nelton, 我不是1K了,当光屁股会员2年了。你要是在美国还是要攒美国的公司的。你让我说UA对1K好吗? 肯定比对普通会员好。哈哈。其实,一切待遇比较浮云。。。。多少钱不好说了,现在2倍定级里程的优惠已经几年没有过了

  5. @Andy,很多人买,你在外面背包客栈里看到的那些欧洲人,都用这种票环球。这票确实比一段一点买便宜很多

  6. @hanssachs 嗯… 不过一个人只能买24000唛一年,必须靠family plan了… 关键问题是官网环球票舱位大大的够啊… bmi只限奖励舱…

  7. @palmtenor, 头等我记得是A,公务我记得是D,经济舱好像是Y, 反正都能攒里程

  8. @Troy 咦…那是不是可以研究一下以此MR的可能性…如果从这个角度来看的话似乎还是便宜了不少?特别是考虑到这些仓位的都是百分之一百多的EQM

  9. 为什么 我从新加坡 飞 可是 在最后选择回到 新加坡 怎么选择不了?

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