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积分游世界系列:3个大洲,6个国家,8个地区,30天–一个签证都没办-香港(HKG)到利雅得(RUH)国泰CX 743, 商务舱-国泰机上服务真不错

上一篇: 港龙KA901,北京到香港,商务舱-下半场开始,国泰地勤有点事儿


The image shows a close-up of a boarding pass, a pen, and a passport. The boarding pass indicates a flight from Hong Kong to Riyadh, with the flight number CX743 on June 1st. The seat number is 15H, and the boarding time is 15:40. The boarding pass also has a section indicating different classes: First Class, Business Class, and Economy Class, with the seat marked in Economy Class. The passport is partially visible and appears to be worn. The pen is silver with a green grip and is placed on top of some documents.


The image shows the interior of an airplane's business class cabin. The seats are arranged in a 2-2 configuration, with each seat featuring a headrest covered with a white cloth. The seats are upholstered in a dark teal fabric and have ample legroom. There are pillows placed on some of the seats. Overhead compartments are visible, and there are windows along the side of the cabin. In the background, a few people are standing near the entrance to the cabin.

The image shows two identical remote controls embedded in a leather surface, likely armrests. Each remote has a small screen, directional pad, and various buttons including volume, channel, and colored buttons (green, yellow, blue, and red). There is also a prominent red button on the left side of each remote. The remotes appear to be designed for controlling in-flight entertainment systems on an airplane.

The image shows a close-up of an airplane seat armrest with a control panel. The control panel has several illuminated buttons with orange backlighting, which are used to adjust the seat position and other functions. The armrest is upholstered in dark leather or synthetic material.

A glass of green-colored beverage with foam on top is placed on a white napkin on a tray table. The background appears to be the interior of an airplane.

A glass of water and a small bowl of mixed nuts are placed on a tray table in an airplane. The glass and bowl are on separate napkins, and the background shows airplane seats.

A meal served on an airplane tray table. The meal includes a plate with slices of salmon on a bed of grains and garnished with cucumber slices and a sprig of parsley. There is also a small bowl of salad with cherry tomatoes, cucumber slices, and other vegetables. Additionally, there is a glass of water, a small container of butter, a small cup of dressing or sauce, and a set of rolled-up napkins and utensils.

A rectangular white dish contains a meal of rice and a meat stew with pieces of okra. In the background, there is a small bowl of salad, a container of butter, a small cup of sauce, a glass of water, and some utensils. The setting appears to be a meal served on an airplane.


A small white plate with a variety of fresh fruits, including a strawberry, a piece of dragon fruit, a slice of pineapple, a piece of watermelon, and a red grape on top. The plate is placed on a white tablecloth, with a glass of water, a fork, and a knife in the background. The setting appears to be on an airplane tray table.

A bowl of noodle soup with chunks of meat and green vegetables, accompanied by a cup of tea. The bowl is placed on a white plate with a napkin underneath, and the cup of tea is on the right side of the bowl.


飞机的起飞时间是下午4点05分,按道理呢,这个时间我应该是很困了,可是奇迹发生了,我睡不着,而这家飞机也躺不平,所以感觉时间及其难熬。而电影节目也该看的都看过了,实在无事可做,拿出电脑,写写东西。其实我在飞机几乎从来不打开电脑,因为一般我一上飞机就睡觉,外加不愿意去搞一块时间长的电池。 用了一会电脑就没电了, 一看座位上的电源, 哎。。。。。。这飞机就是不给力,还是那种需要用转接头的电源,这次没带呀。

难道我就要这样瞪着大眼度过剩下的几个小时了吗?按下服务铃,问问空乘吧。 结果让我绝对意想不到的是,他们居然带着这种转接头在飞机上,哈哈, 问题解决了。


The image shows a screen with travel information. The details displayed are:

- Distance to Destination: 3298 km
- Time to Destination: 4:20
- Estimated Arrival Time: 8:09 pm

There is also a brightness adjustment bar at the bottom of the screen. The background of the screen is blue.

Alt text: A flight map display shows the route of an airplane traveling from Hong Kong to London. The map includes various cities labeled in Chinese characters, with a red line indicating the flight path. The current speed of the airplane is shown as 853 kilometers per hour.





  1. 十分期待刘总下一篇博客,我前段时间刚飞了利雅得机场,不过是国内航班,相当不喜欢这个机场,我还差一张登机牌,去问,总的服务台也不能打登机牌,gate agency说不能打印登机牌,而且gate agency不到开始boarding不出现,看出发信息的屏幕,给了一个奇怪的编号,我去问information desk,跟我说就在36号登机,等了1个小时,终于开始显示在36号登了,没想到登机前突然广播改37号,于是大家move到37,过了2分钟又说,还是在36号登,虽然紧靠在一起不走几步路,但是体现了机场管理的混乱,不知道刘总飞的国际的那边怎么样,总之,这是一个不靠谱的国家,我认识的所有飞过SV航班的人也都说其服务之差,飞机之旧,以后回国,能拒绝绝对拒绝SV的航班,沙特的三个主要机场,我印象最好的是DMM机场,不知道是不是因为阿美在这里的缘故。

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