
这次美国之行,大部分住的万豪集团的酒店,其中包括万丽,autograph collection, Residence Inn and TownePlace Suite, 忍不住要说几句。

第一个,洛杉矶机场万丽, 房间就不说,反正全世界张的都一摸一样,酒廊还开着,虽然不能和我朝的万丽比,但是说的过去的。就是退房的时候用了将近一个小时,谁叫万豪吧自己gift card从以前的Visa 变成自己内部处理的卡,步骤及其复杂。。。。。。

第二个,搬到好莱坞万丽了,入住的时候问酒廊在几楼,告知,酒廊周末关闭。。。。。没事,那给个饭票吧? 不好意思,饭票现在不发了。。。。我说这个集团也够可以的,虽说是个以商旅为重的集团吧,但是您也不能在周末把您的忠诚顾客这么打发呀? 酒廊不开因为经济不好,那您起码管顿早饭吧。后来一看条款,周末已经不管早饭了。。。。。。。


第三个,Residence Inn, South Coast, 就我个人来说,我对万豪本身full service酒店是没有好感的,但是旗下的Residence I nn, Towne Place Suite and Springhill Suite这3个牌子是我在美国出门的最爱,虽然我需要自己拉箱子,但是从房间的舒适度来说,比full service好很多。 从另一个角度讲,full service的酒店很多事情你需要等,比如好莱坞万丽,每次取车起码15分钟。。。

The image shows a nighttime view of a residential apartment building with two floors. The building is illuminated by exterior lights, and there are several vehicles parked in the parking spaces in front of the building. The vehicles include SUVs and trucks. The building has a staircase leading to the second floor, and there are bushes and small landscaped areas near the entrance. The sky appears dark, indicating it is nighttime.

The image shows a small kitchen area with wooden cabinets, a stainless steel refrigerator, a sink, and a countertop. There is a white door with a louvered design next to the refrigerator. A staircase with dark carpeting is visible on the left side of the image. On the countertop, there are some items including a water bottle and a few other objects. In the foreground, there is a table with a white shopping bag and a large drink cup with a straw. The wall behind the sink has a decorative metal wall hanging.

A cozy bedroom with a neatly made bed featuring white linens and a decorative maroon and gold patterned throw blanket. There are two pillows on the bed. On the right side of the bed, there is a nightstand with a lamp and an alarm clock displaying the time 9:36. On the left side, there is a small desk with a chair, a lamp, and a telephone. The room has a warm, dim lighting and a slanted ceiling.

The image shows an overhead view of a living room area in what appears to be a hotel or vacation rental. The room has a green carpet and contains a ceiling fan, a striped sofa, an armchair, a coffee table, and a dining table with chairs. The coffee table has various items on it, including a magazine and a paper bag. The dining table has some food items and drinks. There is a person standing outside on a balcony or porch, visible through an open door, and another person sitting on the sofa, partially obscured by the ceiling fan. The room is lit by a floor lamp and a wall-mounted TV is visible on the right side of the image.

第4个,Towneplace Suite East Lansing, 白菜价呀,兑换等级1, 7500分一晚,而且离MSU又是非常的近,绝对划算。这个牌子和Residence Inn是一类,但是属于低一点的档次了。

最后一个, autograph Collection, The Henry, 话说去年听说人家集团搞了个新品牌,就是把一些好的独立的酒店汇集在一起,和喜达屋的豪华精选有点像,带着好奇,俺就定了这里。 一不留神,又是周末了,酒廊不开,饭票没有。升级到行政楼,我一开门,傻了,除了颜色和万豪万丽不一样以外,怎么房间还是一个样子

The image shows a well-lit hotel room with a modern and cozy design. There is a large bed with white linens on the left side of the room. Next to the bed, there is a nightstand with a lamp. In the background, there are floor-to-ceiling windows covered with curtains. In front of the windows, there is a desk with a chair, a laptop, and some other items on it. To the right of the desk, there is another chair and a lamp on a table. The room has a striped carpet and beige walls, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere.

The image shows a hallway in what appears to be an art gallery or a hotel. The walls are adorned with numerous framed paintings of various sizes and styles. The hallway has a polished floor and is well-lit with ceiling lights and a chandelier. There is a stand with a sign or information board on the left side of the hallway. The overall decor is elegant, with light-colored walls and blue paneling.

The image shows a luxurious and elegantly decorated lounge area. The room features light blue walls with white trim and is furnished with modern, light-colored chairs and sofas. There are several glass-topped tables scattered around the seating area. The ceiling has large, ornate chandeliers that provide a warm and inviting light. A large mirror with a diamond pattern is mounted on one wall, reflecting the room's decor. There is also a piece of colorful abstract art hanging on another wall. The overall ambiance of the room is sophisticated and comfortable.

我没啥文化,总是觉得吧,搞品牌,不同品牌的就是为了有区别,可是万豪爷爷怎么把不同的品牌搞成了一个样子呢? 就性价比来说,亚洲区以外的万豪性价比确实不高,但是我仍然万豪Residence Inn, TownePlace Suite 和springhill Suite的忠实拥簇者, 以后带娃去美国,除了海边度假晒太阳外,在城市里我仍会会的选择上述3个品牌(hyatt Summerfield suite和 喜达屋Elements缺席的情况下)


  1. I totally agreed with you. All the Marriott hotels regardless what names they are, look the same, and they are not generous, Marriotts never get you a suite, even you are platinum. So I like Residence Inn, and those 3 brands more than any Marriott hotel. You should check out Fairfield Inn, they are similar to Residence Inn, but you get 10 points/dollar.

  2. Residence Inn的房间其实和缩小版的Marriott vacation club的房间很相似,海边也有不少MVC的哦,好处就是做饭,特别是带小孩子.

  3. 上次去LA也是住了LAX,好莱坞和South Coast三个地方;不过分别是4P,Andza和Westin

  4. 刘总我也写了个万豪的下一等级酒店在飞茶,我挺喜欢residence inn, 那个towneplace suite, 早餐太差了,还没holiday inn select。周末residence inn 下午有免费吃的,周日下午marriott也开酒廊。这次错过了,下次有机会和您见个面,请您吃饭。您就是传奇。哈!

  5. @hellohello1226, 我不是不住洲际的任何酒店吗,呵呵。下次机会多多,我们还年轻。。。哈哈哈

  6. @charlres, 我把fairfield inn忘了,也不错,万豪的低端品牌比高端那几个好了不知道多少, 就想你说了those 3 brands more than any Marriott hotel

  7. LD还是一如既往的喜欢万豪,住了700多个晚上啊,呵呵。ANYWAY,你这次照片好像不很理想啊。

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