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The image shows a stone monument with the word "Petra" written on it in red letters. The monument is situated in an outdoor area with a few cars parked nearby. There are some people standing around the cars. The background features a hilly landscape with sparse vegetation and a clear blue sky. Some trees and bushes are also visible in the foreground.

如何前往:最经济实惠的办法是,打一辆出租车到安曼南车站(South station), 其实很远,大概是15公里左右,费用4-5第纳尔,然后下来马上吆喝去Petra, 小巴多着呢,别听“lonely Planet”上面胡说什么下午没车了,我们都4点多才到,照样有车。车程为2个半小时,费用5第纳尔。车会路过佩特拉市中心,在那里下来就好。

The image shows a white minibus parked on a paved surface. The minibus has tinted windows and a front license plate. The background features a clear sky and a barren landscape with no vegetation.

The image shows the exterior of a restaurant named "Dream Planet." The restaurant has a large sign with both Arabic and English text, and a phone number is displayed. There are several people sitting at tables outside the restaurant, some of whom appear to be eating or drinking. The building has a covered patio area with a few tables and chairs. The overall atmosphere seems casual and relaxed.

住宿:多着呢,你一下车就用人问你有没有住的地方,佩特拉市中心有很多青年旅馆,吃饭的地方也很多,典型的旅行小城市。大型连锁有1家万豪,2家Movenpick, 其中一家在佩特拉古城的正门口,另外一家则喝万豪一样,在山上,从市中心需要打车上山,2JD,咬死了价格,因为开价是5第纳尔

The image shows the exterior of a building with the "Marriott" sign illuminated at the top. The building appears to be a hotel, with a well-lit entrance and several flags displayed on poles to the left. The sky is clear and it seems to be either early morning or evening, as the lighting suggests a low-light condition.

吃饭: 市中心餐馆很多,这里就不一一列举,由于是旅游小镇,大家都知道旅游小镇什么样吧。

The image shows a table with a red tablecloth, on which there are two plates of food and a bowl of soup. One plate contains grilled vegetables, including zucchini and bell peppers, along with sausages and a tomato. The other plate has a similar assortment of grilled vegetables and meats. There are also condiments, including bottles of ketchup and hot sauce, and a basket of bread on the table. Two people are seated at the table, with their hands visible.


A street scene in a small town with several buildings on either side. There are cars parked along the street and a few driving down the road. Three flags are prominently displayed on poles in the middle of the image. The sky is partly cloudy, and there are hills in the background. The buildings have a mix of modern and traditional architectural styles. Power lines are visible overhead.

佩特拉古城门票:一天50第纳尔,2天55,3天60,但是看下图,还有一个Day visitor

The image shows a signboard for Petra, detailing the entry ticket prices for tourists (overnight and cruise visitors) and day visitors. The sign includes the following information:

- For tourists (overnight and cruise visitors):
  - 1 Day: 50 JD
  - 2 Days: 55 JD
  - 3 Days: 60 JD

- For day visitors:
  - Entry Ticket: 90 JD

The sign is mounted on a wall, and the background features a light blue design with images of tickets.

我想了很久,后来问了才明白,如果你来佩特拉只是看古城,没有在当地住宿,你需要交Day Visitor 90第纳尔的价格,因为您没有给城市做贡献。他们怎么知道呢?抽查,真的有人被查。哈哈。





  1. 我上次去坐的jett的奔驰大巴去的。。8块钱,应该比小巴舒服。。。

  2. 刘总什么时候写到沙特的部分啊?

  3. 嗯,我没飞过利雅得的机场,想见识见识
    还有就是想看看刘总对JED机场的评价,是不是在你去过的International 机场中最差的。

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