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积分游世界系列:3个大洲,6个国家,8个地区,30天,一个签证都没办-哈萨克斯坦,还是“社会主义”+土耳其航空TK 351, 阿拉木图(ALA)到伊斯坦布尔(IST),商务舱

上一篇: 阿拉木图,一个没有游客的城市

早上3点45分,离开酒店坐进前往机场的出租车, 如果说过去几天对哈萨克斯坦那1美金1包的香烟和微笑人民的印象是非常好的话,这所有的好印象在阿拉木图机场一落千丈。作为这中亚第一门户,这机场可是真够小的,我怎么感觉和丽江机场的大小差不多。一进门,只有1个小的换钱窗口,1个小纪念品商店,和一家点什么都没有的餐厅,其它的店都可以忽略不计了。

The image shows two cars on display inside a building, possibly an airport or a showroom. The cars are placed on raised platforms with red carpets and are surrounded by stanchions with red ropes. The car on the left is a silver Mitsubishi Pajero, and the car on the right is a white Mitsubishi Outlander XL. The background features large windows and a high ceiling, indicating a spacious and well-lit area.

The image shows a busy airport terminal with people walking and standing around. Some individuals are carrying or pulling luggage. There are various signs and advertisements on the walls, and the terminal has a high ceiling with exposed beams and lights. To the right, there are large windows and a row of parked vehicles, possibly taxis or shuttles. The overall atmosphere is bustling, typical of an airport environment.

The image shows the interior of an airport terminal with overhead signs. The signs are in multiple languages, including English and Cyrillic script. The yellow sign directs passengers to gates A1-A6 and A11-A20 for check-in and to the customs control area. Another sign indicates the direction to the departure gates. The ceiling of the terminal is visible, with metal beams and lights.

A white bowl filled with tomato soup, garnished with shredded cheese, is placed on a white saucer. A spoon rests on the saucer next to the bowl. The background shows a wooden table with a geometric pattern and some blurred items.


要进入换登机牌区域需要出示机票,护照,这个和北京的2号航站楼有点像,不过2号楼也就看看护照,主要还是因为里面地方不够大。 这个机场看的可仔细了,然后进来到了check in区域。换登机牌倒是就几分钟的事,不过,告知我,没有休息室,无所谓了。紧接着,最恶心得一幕来到了

The image shows a group of people standing in line at an airport check-in counter. Above the counters, there are several digital screens displaying flight information and gate numbers. The area is well-lit, and the background includes signage with text in a non-English language. Some people are handling their luggage while waiting in line.

把护照递进边检窗口,这大妈就拿着护照翻来翻去,我开始以为是在参观护照,紧接着,问我要从土耳其转机的登机牌,也给了,然后就开始又继续翻护照,突然冒出一句:“你约旦签证呢?”我当时就一愣,心想:这和你有什么关系,我在你们国家是外国人,你只需要管好我有没有违反居留条例,我有没有约旦签证那是航空公司的事。当然,我没有这么说,而是告诉她:“约旦落地签.” 她马上显露出非常吃惊的表情, 然后拿出了一本巨厚巨厚的书。


又过了N久,大妈从办公室出来又去了航空公司的柜台,又过了20分钟,终于回来了,问我是不是确定约旦是落地签,然后终于盖章放人了。太烂了。紧接着就是安检,安检倒是简单,连电脑也不用拿出来,然后就是安检核实名字,在登机牌上盖章,还把每个人都记录下来。 经过将近一个小时的折腾,终于进入隔离区了。

隔离区更小,一家小咖啡厅,一间吸烟室,一个免税店,一个航空公司休息室,等等,有休息室呀,再一看,除了土耳其航空,都能用,土耳其航空太省钱了。。。。。。举起相机给机场照个像吧,刚要照呢,就有人冲着我凶神恶煞的走了过来, “no photo here”, 我靠,没搞错吧,机场隔离区不让照相,难道您也觉得机场丢人?由于在边检那里耽误了太久,没过多久我们就开始登机了,最后再登机以前,还有2道关卡查护照和登机牌。


土耳其航空用的是波音737-800, 就是经济舱的座位中间隔开,我实在是太困了,一坐在飞机上就睡着了,吃饭的时候睁眼睛吃饭,吃饭接着睡。经过将近5个小时的长途飞行,飞机降落在伊斯坦布尔机场,而我将要继续在此机场度过一天。

A maroon-colored passport is placed on a table with a boarding pass partially visible underneath it. The boarding pass has text indicating a flight from Istanbul and includes details such as the flight number, seat number, and departure time.

The image shows a row of empty airplane seats with dark leather upholstery. On one of the seats, there is a folded blanket and a small, closed tray table. The seats have headrests with light-colored covers, and the window next to the seats shows a view of the sky. The overall setting appears to be the interior of an airplane.

The image shows the interior of an airplane, specifically a section of the wall near the lavatory or galley area. There is a small screen or monitor mounted on the wall, displaying an image that is not clearly discernible. The wall is light-colored, and there are some storage compartments or cabinets visible to the left side of the image. The lighting is bright, suggesting it is daytime.

A small, partially open blue toiletry bag is sitting on a white surface. The bag contains various items, including a small bottle and other personal care products. The bag has a logo and text on the front.

A blue book with the text "Mutfakta Kim var?" on the cover is placed on a cluttered surface. The background includes various items such as a yellow drink, papers, and other miscellaneous objects.

A rectangular white dish contains an omelette topped with a strip of red bell pepper and a serving of cooked spinach on the side. The dish is placed on a white surface, possibly a tray.

The image shows the interior of an airplane, specifically the overhead panel and a screen. The screen displays flight information, including the distance to the destination, the time at the destination, and the estimated time of arrival. The overhead panel includes air vents and a light.

The image shows the interior of an airplane, specifically the overhead panel and a small screen. The screen is displaying a flight map with a green background, indicating the plane's current location and route. The overhead panel includes air vents, reading lights, and a "No Smoking" sign.

Aerial view of a landscape featuring a mix of green land, urban areas, and a large body of water under a clear blue sky. The horizon is visible in the distance, with a gradient of blue from the sky meeting the land and water below.

Aerial view of several small islands surrounded by a vast expanse of blue water, with a hazy horizon in the background. The islands are scattered and vary in size, with some appearing more developed than others. The sky above is clear with a light blue gradient.

Aerial view of a coastal city with a large body of water in the foreground. The city appears to be densely built with numerous buildings and structures. Several ships or boats are visible in the water near the coast. The sky is clear with a slight haze, and the horizon is visible in the distance.




  1. 哥们要知足呀,再过些年想找阿拉木图这样安静的地方也不容易了.


  2. 看看外国这些机场安检边检海关,觉得中国这方面还是不错的



    另,BMI可以换ALA-LHR-ADD 自己的航班吗?

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