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上一篇: 轻松搞定哈萨克斯坦机场落地72小时过境签证

我想在写游记前写一下攻略, 这样在某年某月某一天,某个像我一样闲的难受的人也要去那个国家的时候,可以来看看

简介: 哈萨克斯坦是除俄罗斯以外倒数第二个独立的国家,且是世界上最大的内陆国,东南边界和中国新疆相邻,虽然首都已经是阿斯塔纳,但是阿拉木图仍然是各方面的中心, 我想大家一听到哈萨克斯坦的时候,第一反应也是阿拉木图

如何前往:阿拉木图不但是哈萨克斯坦的主要城市,也是中亚地区最主要的城市,飞机有韩亚,南航,汉莎,荷航,BMI, 土耳其,还有他们自己的阿斯塔纳航空,从中国飞最简单是北京到阿拉木图的海南航空和南方航空。 当然,你如果有闲情雅致的话,还可以坐火车,或者从乌鲁木齐坐大巴。

签证: 哈萨克斯坦在北京和上海设有大使馆和领事馆,乌鲁木齐设有签证代办处,我国没有他们免掉邀请函的名单上,所以旅游签证需要去买个邀请函。过境签证不需要邀请函,可以提前办理,也可以在机场办理,提前办理费用很低。另外我发现,机场办理的过境签证可以用在陆地上出境,前提是3天内你要出的去。乌鲁木齐的签证代办处听说能不用邀请函搞到旅游签证,只是听说

机场交通: 从机场到市区,1000腾格就能搞定,如果懒得杀价的,1500,但是从市区回机场如果是半夜的飞机,最好致电“555-333”预约,费用为2000。别惦记公共汽车了



语言:人人都说哈萨克语和俄语, 英语及其不普及

货币:腾格, 一人民币兑换22.36腾格, 1美金换145.35, 这里请注意, 可能是国家管制的原因,在大街小巷,包括机场,所有换钱的地方给美国的汇率是一摸一样的,我所以不用担心这点摊位比那家高,或者机场低等等

The image shows a 200 Kazakhstani tenge banknote. The banknote features various colors, including yellow, blue, and green, and has intricate designs and patterns. There are also some text and numbers visible on the banknote.

市内交通:公共汽车,无轨电车,有轨电车,价格十分低廉。 我从市内坐到市外的滑雪场才花了70腾格。不过识别车站和哪车去哪可是一件几乎不可能事情,因为只有大站才有车名。

The image shows a white and blue public bus on a street. The bus has several windows, and some passengers can be seen inside. The bus is parked or moving slowly, and there are trees and a building in the background.

The image shows a city street with vehicles and pedestrians. There is a blue and yellow trolleybus in the center of the road, followed by another bus. A black car is driving in the adjacent lane. A pedestrian is walking on the sidewalk to the left. The street is lined with trees and there are traffic signs and signals overhead. The weather appears to be clear and sunny.

出租车: 分为3种,此国家的出租车没有表

1 电招车:555-333, 只能电招,或者在机场趴活,在街上几乎看不到

2 带有出租牌子的私家车: 很少,很难找到

3 伸手拦车,任何一辆车愿意拉你都会停下来。这是最常用的方式,也是最方便的方法。费用需要在上车前说好,在市区的市中心200腾格到400不等,自己看着距离掂量着办吧

住宿: 这是一个酒店恶贵恶贵的国家,这是一个没有青年旅馆的地方,不过用积分的可以住假日或者洲际。没有的话就像我一样,去住Hotel Saulet, 一间及其便宜的半青年旅馆似的酒店,一张床买2600腾格,4人一间房,一般没什么情况,外国人单独一屋,因为根本没有外国人。 酒店位于Abei. Ave 和Fumonov St的路口,在路口你会看到一个”埃菲尔铁塔”, 沿着铁塔往上坡方向再走1分钟,就会看到一个报刊亭和公交站,酒店就在他们后面。此住处地理位置较好,所有的景点都可以走着到, 就是夏天去的时候注意了,没空调。。。。。。

The image shows a large building with a distinctive architectural design, featuring arched windows and a small replica of the Eiffel Tower in front. The building is adorned with large banners and is surrounded by greenery. Several cars are parked or driving in the foreground. The sky is clear and bright.

The image shows the exterior of a multi-story building with signs indicating that it is a hotel. The building has a sign in both English and Cyrillic script that reads "HOTEL" and "Гостиница" (which means "hotel" in Russian). There are several banners and signs on the building, including one with a picture of a woman and another with decorative patterns. The building has a metal awning above the entrance and is surrounded by trees.

A long, narrow hallway with several closed wooden doors on both sides. The walls are painted white, and the floor is tiled. At the end of the hallway, there is a potted plant placed near a door. The hallway is well-lit with natural light coming from the far end.

The image shows a small, tidy room with three beds. On the left side, there is a single bed with white sheets. On the right side, there is a bunk bed with the top and bottom bunks made up with bedding. A red and beige patterned rug runs down the center of the room. At the far end of the room, there is a window with sheer curtains, allowing natural light to enter. A small radiator is positioned below the window. A small wooden table with a water bottle on it is placed next to the single bed. A small television is mounted on the wall above the table.


1 共和广场, 从上面提到的酒店出门右转,第一个路口再右转就到了,步行5分钟

The image shows a tall monument with a statue of a person on top, situated in an urban area. In the foreground, there is a statue of a person on horseback. Behind the monument, there is a modern multi-story building with a blue sign on its roof. The sky is clear with a few clouds.

2 烈士公园, 从上面酒店出门左转,沿着Fumonov.st一直走一直走,走到gogol.st, 右转再走走就看到了,时间20分钟,去程是下坡,回来时候建议打车,200-300腾格

The image shows a large, dark-colored monument featuring multiple human figures in dynamic poses. The central figure appears to be reaching out with an arm extended. The monument is set against a backdrop of green trees and a bright sky. The base of the monument has some text inscribed on it.

3 坐缆车上山看整个阿拉木图: 从酒店出来左转,到Abei.Ave 右转,走到没路了,看到著名诗人阿拜的雕像,过地下通道到马路对面,右转,注意你的左手边会有一个口,往里看,就能看到下面的标志, 从酒店出来到这里,步行15分钟,缆车票价1500腾格

The image shows a large statue of a person standing on a tall pedestal. The statue is located in an open area with trees and a building in the background. There is a traffic light in the foreground, and the area around the statue is fenced off with metal barriers. The sky is partly cloudy.

The image shows a building with a large sign on top that reads "Kok-Tobe" in red letters. The sign also features an illustration of a red cable car. Below the sign, there is a green banner with floral designs and a small circular emblem on the right side. The building has a metal railing and several windows.

4 高山滑雪场,从上面出来后,走回到同样上面诗人阿拜的雕像,然后过地下道,继续就几步,看到右边哈萨克斯坦酒店,那附近的唯一高楼,横穿马路到对面的公车站,等6路或者6A直达到高山滑雪场,票价70腾格, 时间车上时间半个小时。注意,坐缆车上山顶记得买3000快Gondola and Combi 联票,因为单买gondola只拉你到半山腰,2000快,需要再花2000上山顶。

The image shows a tall, modern building with a unique architectural design featuring numerous balconies or protrusions on its facade. The building is surrounded by green trees, and there is a blue sky in the background. The lower part of the image includes a partial view of a bus or vehicle with a blue roof.

The image shows a bus stop with a sign indicating the bus route A6. The sign is attached to a blue metal pole under a blue shelter. The background includes trees and greenery, suggesting the bus stop is located in a park or a green urban area. There is also a smaller sign or notice attached to the pole below the main bus route sign.

The image shows a busy street with several vehicles, including a yellow and green bus on the left side and multiple cars on the right. The street is lined with trees and there are traffic lights and signs overhead. A pedestrian is walking on the sidewalk to the left of the bus. The scene appears to be in an urban area with buildings visible in the background.

网吧: 阿拉木图的网吧还是很多的,而且很大,很干净,就在共和广场边上就有一个,还有,如果沿着Abei.ave 往去山顶的反方西走的话,走走网吧就很多,所以不用担心上不了网。

The image shows a row of computer workstations in a public setting, possibly an internet cafe or a computer lab. Each workstation has a computer monitor, keyboard, and mouse, with dividers between them for privacy. The monitors display a web page. Above the workstations, there is a sign with the words "Google" and "web-camera" along with other text and symbols. The room has large windows allowing natural light to enter.


物价: 和国内感觉一样,没有特别便宜或者贵。


A detailed map of a city area with various buildings and landmarks illustrated. The map includes a grid of streets and avenues, with some labeled, such as "Adams Ave" in red text. There are several notable buildings and structures depicted, including a tall, modern building highlighted on the right side of the map near a river. The map also shows green spaces and parks scattered throughout the city. The top of the map features some transportation icons, possibly indicating train or bus stations. The bottom of the map has a depiction of a mountainous or hilly area.



  1. 这个城市就是去过一次就不想再去的了,

  2. 话说女生一个人从乌鲁木齐坐汽车过去安全么??据说上车时候不用看护照但是车到一半过边检的时候很容易被为难啊是真的么?

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